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App for making Voice (Phone) calls with iPad Air?


iPF Noob
Dec 20, 2014
Reaction score
Hi All,
I'm looking for an app I can use to make phone calls using my iPad Air WiFi. The User Guide for iOS 8.3 says I can call people in my Contacts, Calendar, Facetime, Messages, Spotlight or Safari.

I don't want those restrictions. I want to be able to call anyone in any country who has any type of cell phone, landline, etc.

I saw an app called 'RingCredible.' I can use it, but it uses my cell phone number. I don't want that, I'd like to do all my calling with my iPad Air and not need my cell phone or its number for calls.

I also saw that the App Store offers plenty of apps for voice calls.

There's one catch- I want/need 'bank-level security' for my calls. So, as far as security goes, what's going to be more secure? A cell phone, or an iPad Air WiFi with an 256 bit AES VPN that could be being used at a hotspot?

Do you have any advice/recommendations?

Thanks. Much Appreciated!

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