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Windows PC addict


iPF Noob
Jun 1, 2010
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Hi....my name is Jeff Shepard and I'm a recovering Windows addict......<insert applaus>.....I have been Windows free for......

Ok so I still like Windows based PC's.....but I did buy an iPad...I should get around the 15th or so.....I am sure I will love it. There is nothing to love about a Netbook sitting in your lap, melting your keychain in your pocket, while you watch stuttering video on a screen you have to tilt just right to see proper color. I have now sold this piece of @#$....yes I did feel guilty.....and have put that money towards the iPad. I look forward to reading and discussing issues with all of you.
I sync my iPad every day to my Windows 7! Welcome

Don' forget to vote in the Poll asking if you sync with PC or Mac. We're running just a little behind.

Windows 7 all the way...... But mobile, I'm an Apple guy. I don't love/hate electronic device brands, I just use what works for me..... And hope others do the same.

I don't care what someone uses on their desktop/laptop, Windows 7, OSX or some flavor of Linux..... We are all iPad users and that is what this forum is about!

Again welcome, and dig in...
Windows 7 touchscreen PC for me! Absolutely love it....but it gets a little lonely since I've only used it to sync my iPad and play a little Everquest 2 ever since the delivery guy arrived on April 30th :D

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