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UK accessories?


iPF Noob
Hello there, I'm a complete iPad n00b and looking for the best accessories to have to protect my new baby.. I've always had those silicone skins for my works blackberry and they seem pretty effective for basic protection... But I'm not 100% of ipad stuff - are the screen protectors any good? I've been looking at a few sites and eBay and most seem to come from HK / China and I'm not sure if I trust those... I've found this company - http://www.my-ipad-accessories.co.uk/ based in the UK

has anybody used this company before or is able recommend any 'must have'
accessories? I like the look of the copper snake skin effect back cover, ir looks pretty sweet! iPad Copper Snake Skin Effect Back Cover - Pattern - Back Covers

Thank you in advance!

- LR

PS - how can I make links shorter??

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