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Turned accessibility on iPad screen not displaying


iPF Noob
I wanted to learn more about accessibily on iPad so I turned it on. Now the screen went blank. I don't know how to turn the display back on.
turning on accessability wont make the screen go blank.

Your battery may have died.

try charging it, if its not the battery try holding both the home and power buttons at the same time until it reboots.
Blank screen

Your battery is not dead and Accessibility has a major error that can make your screen go blank. The only way to fix the Ipad is to use the "restore" function in Itunes. Connect your Ipad to your computer and open Itunes. Your Ipad will come up. Click on "restore" The process will take a long time. After restore is complete do not select the option to sync everything, as this will restore the malfunctioning software. Instead choose "new Ipad". This will give you a functioning Ipad with nothing on it. Then reconnect it and sync all your files & apps.

Caution: Create a backup of your Ipad before doing the restore. Otherwise you will lose everything.

David Lee
Thank you davidlee9 !!

i was devastated that I had a black screen and couldn't fix it. tried others suggestions to no avail. did what you suggested and it worked! had to admit that first time i didn't create new ipad and it didn't work . second try was a success. can't tell you how grateful i am :)
turning on accessibility really messed up my ipad!
Three finger triple tap to turn off screen curtain.

I found an even better solution. Try triple tapping the screen with three fingers. There is a feature called screen curtain that turns the screen black. You probably inadvertently turned it on with three finger tapping with the quirky accessibility controls. Triple tap with three fingers to turn it on, then again to turn it off. No need of restoring or having to connect to iTunes!
Three finger triple tap worked a treat. Thank you SOOO SOOO much dawgdays. I thought this was going to be so stressful, and you solved my problem in moments. Thanks!
Just a tip, the three fingers need to be held together. I was trying with three fingers separated and it didn't work. I got it now, thank goodness! (I was trying the accessibility out for my blind mother and the screen went blank.)

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