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The rarest collector iPads?


iPF Noob
Rare Collector iPads....

I am on the search for rare iPads.. What would be considered as the rarest collector iPads on the market? I'm new to collecting, and am in the process of finding out which ones I should be on the look out for.

There's a very rare Michael Jackson iPad on eBay Australia at the moment, which is supposed to be only 1 of 150 made world-wide (and could only be won in competitions etc). So I am wondering, is this the rarest one out there, or are there others I should be on the look for...?

Thanks for any help!
Gosh I can't even afford another current model iPad versus one that is a rare collection. Didn't know there was even such a thing. Can't imagine what those would even cost.
Googled the Limited edition Michael Jackson iPad. It appears it was a promotion that Astorvision did, you had to purchase the new Michael album at any Astroplus / Astrovision Store nationwide and you got a coupon for each purchase and there was a drawing of some sort. So since it doesn't appear that these were actually ordered to be made by Apple they probably aren't worth anything more than a standard iPad. It looks like all they did was purchase 150 iPads and send them to an engraver or something:

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You do know that if you order an iPad online, you can engrave it for free? Also somewhere I've an iPad with it's metal case replaced with dinosaur bones or something like that.

Sent from K48
If you're new to collecting, I would suggest getting into something that doesn't cost $499 in its standard edition. Good luck though
I have a rare iPad , my ipad2 is the only iPad maded by apple that has been personalised by psy :)

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