If you’re a baseball fan planning on going to Yankee Stadium anytime soon, and you also happened to be joined at the hip to your iPad, be warned that you and your beloved Apple device will not be allowed inside the stadium together. A report on CenterNetworks today outlines how the iPad joins laptops and video equipment as devices banned from the New York stadium.
The story is based on the account of a woman who posted on IGN’s Mac boards about how she was turned away at the gates because she had an iPad with her, although she eventually managed to sneak in with it under her jacket. The woman said that she is always allowed to take her iPad into the Red Sox games at Fenway Park, and pointed out that it seems strange to ban devices such as iPads and laptops when the stadium provides free Wi-Fi! And, as the CenterNetworks post points out, it’s not a very forward-thinking decision by the MLB - surely they can see the potential of being able to use a live scores and chat app during the game. As CenterNetworks says, if it works for NASCAR, why not baseball?
By Maura Sutton, iPadForums.net
Source: CenterNetworks