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The iPad as a Skateboard!


Staff member
Jan 17, 2010
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CNET and many other online sources are all running this fun story and video today about Jeff King, the host of Fuel TV’s “Built to Shred” show, taking a 64GB iPad and turning it into a skateboard. After constructing his iPad board, King asked pro skateboarder Chad Knight to try and ride it down a half pipe and generally put it through its paces.

Knight starts off by fixing wheels to the iPad, before riding it, but, surprise, surprise, it would appear that the iPad’s glass screen is not actually strong enough to resist a person standing on it (who would have thought!), and so it cracked! After a few tweaks, however, Knight took his iPad board for another spin, and was actually able to skate around the half-pipe without having anything major go wrong, although he was sensible enough not to try any tricks.

Check out the video, it’s a lot of fun! But don’t try this at home folks!


By Maura Sutton, iPadForums.net
Source: iPad can double as skateboard | The Digital Home - CNET News
Am I the only one put off by these demonstrations of what to do with an iPad (iPhone, laptop etc) other than what it was designed to do? When you know a lot of folks that would dearly love to have the technology to do something better for their life, watching someone blend, break, explode, or ride an iPad just doesn't do anything for me. I am a capitalist and I'm all for people doing what they want, but these demonstrations don't catch my attention in a positive way.
this one is really funny! Of course the gadget cannot handle the weight of a human and besides this device is not designed for that.
If you think about it from another view point, you don't cringe when you see a car being destroyed in a movie or on TV! It's just a question of perspective...
If you think about it from another view point, you don't cringe when you see a car being destroyed in a movie or on TV! It's just a question of perspective...

Except those were made to be destroyed for the movie/tv show they were used for... just saying

This one didn't bother me as much as the guys were at least having fun with it, but the teenagers just beating one with a bat outside of Best Buy was just stupid. Heck, they even did a poor job of beating it. Kids these days have no sense of work, they should have been tossing that thing in the air and trying to hit homeruns... :p
It bothers me more to see $500 burned for a dumb publicity stunt. Throwing away money (let alone a perfectly good iPad) on something like this makes no sense to me at all.:mad:
It bothers me more to see $500 burned for a dumb publicity stunt. Throwing away money (let alone a perfectly good iPad) on something like this makes no sense to me at all.:mad:

I agree wholeheartedly!

For starters, the teenagers who are destroying the iPad just for the heck of it - where is their money sense? My mother brought me up better than that! Money doesn't grow on trees, and in this economy, a teenager is lucky to have a job in some parts of the country. If I'm going to spend $500 on something that isn't a necessity to being alive (food, a roof over my head, a way to get to work), I'm sure not going to destroy it for 15 minutes of YouTube fame.

As far as the skateboard is concerned ... I guess it could be humorous, but instead of a publicity stunt, give the iPad to someone who could benefit from it ... a school ... an underprivileged kid - I don't know. There are other ways to do publicity stunts - heck, hold a raffle something?


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