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Texting to addresses like 347639?


iPF Noob
You know how you see those ads like "Text HELLO to 347639"? How would you send a text like that on the iPad? I've tried TextNow and TextFree, but they won't text to a number like that. They will only text to a 10 digit phone number or email addresses.


I suspect that the lack of response is because no one knows the answer to this question. It's an interesting problem, so I'll be interested too if anyone can solve it.

Has anyone tried this with Google Voice?

Personally, even if I had Google Voice I'd find it a hard sell to get me to test it. I don't know of any of these services that I'd feel safe to try. Last time I got suckered into an SMS service it took me a month to figure out how to get rid of it, and about $50 to my phone bill.

Of course, that's because I don't have an SMS allowance in my plan. Should have read the contract closer.

Actually, it only took me a couple hours to research and figure it out, I just didn't move it to my urgent to-do list until the first bill showed up.

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