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Still using jailbroken 4.0, any real reason to switch?


iPF Noob
Title says it all...better battery life or performance or anything on 4.2/3? Don't really care about multitasking because I have true MT with Backgrounder. Don't really care about folders because I've got like 7x7 rows of icons on the first screen. I don't even have enough icons to fill up 6 rows.
On same track as u but Im back on 3.2.2.


Some (ALOT) cydia apps that came long before apple did put their own tag on It and made It worse are far superior then stuff ex mutlitasking etc.

And yes, new IOS versions have many "new" features but many of them has been out for the jailbreaked idevice a long time.

"Personal Hotspot" IOS 4.3bX wow ? something new ? hardly --> MyWi Is 1 ex of a still super great app. (Compare the juice drain between "Personal Hotspot" and MyWi)

The jailbreak It self, Is is dangerous ? hardly, It's the stuff that people with "not enough knowlage" for the purpose they are using It that drags the jailbreak topic down.

So, Is there any good reason to upgrade IOS version?

"Own your iDevice" - Jailbreak
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You give such a strong personal argument for not doing it in the first post... But...

Personally i see performance gains over 3.x (which i assume you must be on as 4.0 does not exist for iPad) so wouldn't hesitate to upgrade.
You can still use backgrounder ( i do), you don't have to use folders if you don't want to, and unified inbox for my 7 email accounts make it a no brainer!
Ah yeah you're right, I think it's 3.2. Anyhow, mainly I was looking for things like "increased performance" or "better battery life" (not that the iPad doesn't have good battery life to begin with).
Well, I've certainly been vocal about the performance improvements i witnessed going from 3.x to 4.2.1, but other folks didn't always agree with me. YMMV. i ran 2 side by side and could feel the difference. I noticed no battery difference.
I assume you have all your shsh blobs saved, so surely you can give it a whirl with no risk? If you don't like it you can just downgrade and set up again to your liking...

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