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Steve Jobs Biography


iPF Noob
Feb 25, 2012
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Every IOS developer should read/listen to his biography.Its awesome.
I was particularly interested in his attitude that the customer doesn't know what he/she wants until you give them an outstanding product.
His labels if you will , " modern day T . Edison ", "genius" , " The greatest innovator of our time " ... Please list the ones I am leaving out if you will.
This guy has made an impression on my life in such a way that people close to me can see and are very curious about the dividends studying him have paid.
"Perfectionist" was an understatement.
Dying so young is such a crime. Can you imagine what we are going to miss out on? There are notes I imagine , files , instructions , ideas if you will that will be studied and followed by the top brass at Apple for a long time. Although without him actually here things can and will most likely go off in other directions. Already we see the articles pointing to a 7" device later in Q3 of this year , " supposedly"... We all know and for those who might not ,Steve Jobs said in so many words that a 7" iPad type device is not going to sell big. They may sell but not with the mega success we seen from the late Jobs camp. Wright up into this new ipad3 his fingerprints are still visible on the scheme of this upcoming March 7 device launch. We all know how egos work and within the upper floors of Apple wright now it must be so hard to run things in Steve's wake. Without me rambling on , if we see a 7" iPad like device come out sooner or later I will know to myself that they are foolishly disregarding what they were lucky enough to have put forth to them. I just hope Apple survives with the juice it has now. It will and can afford a flop but Steve Jobs would not do things like that. I would not want a oversized iPhone or an undersized iPad. Well maybe if it had phone on it. I hope these egomaniacal executives at apple keep Steve's ideas and insight alive wherever and as long as possible.
With Steve Jobs's death so untimely , it's much like the music we will never get to hear with John Lennon being suddenly cut down .
I've actually been meaning to buy this book, it's on my list of things to buy. It looks great. Steve Jobs has been someone who I've looked up to for years in my life. While his death didnt surprise me, it was still devastating. I'll be an iOS developer as soon as I have the money for a Mac so this book should be great for me. It sounds truly inspirational.
Sorry to bump this thread.

My mom just got me this book, I cant wait to read it. :D

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