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Some ipad 2 questions.


iPF Noob
Hello, i used to have an ipod touch 2g 2 years ago, but it's now dead and it cost about 10 bucks less than i payed to get the screen fixed.

So in two weeks im getting an ipad 2 cause my android tablet was deffective, grammar errors in the OS and some minor other bugs. So im going to give idevice's a new chance.

So here is the question maby one of you current ipad 2 owners can answer :)

Will cydia provide some tweaks to make icons smaller to make more room on each screen for apps?

Will ipad 2 support all the games that iphone supports?

can i get an laptop kind of dock for ipad that supports mouse and meyboard?

Do ipad 2 support 720p movies?

How long do the ipad 2 last with some gaming, web surfing and watching movies?

What movie players can i get for it? what is the best one out there?

Can i charge the ipad 2's battery with usb3?

Do "frash" from cydia still work as "flash"? and does it work well enough to play facebook games and watching yutube videoes on facebook?
Will cydia provide some tweaks to make icons smaller to make more room on each screen for apps?

i dont think the ipad2 with it's current OS is jailbreakable. (but knowing me i'm wrong :p ) actually i think it is. besides, icon size isnt an issue - you can put icons within folders.

can i get an laptop kind of dock for ipad that supports mouse and meyboard?

you can get bluetooth keyboards (zagg for instance), but nothing that supports a mouse

Do ipad 2 support 720p movies?

yes. and use the HDMI facility to your TV.

How long do the ipad 2 last with some gaming, web surfing and watching movies?

brand new, out of the box - hours and hours and hours. 10 it's claimed. Even after nearly a year's use, i'm getting 5-10 hours of mixed media use on my device.

What movie players can i get for it? what is the best one out there?

AVPlayer more or less does it all

Can i charge the ipad 2's battery with usb3?

no. you can only charge it via Apple's own connector. but the best/fastest charge is via the wall plug

Do "frash" from cydia still work as "flash"? and does it work well enough to play facebook games and watching yutube videoes on facebook?

i can only answer from a Flash point of view here (as i never been on facebook) - Flash doesnt work on the ipad, and never will. It will work in some situations with most limited performance with various browsers or remote desktop viewers, but it's all very hit and miss and dissapointing.
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Ok, have you ever tried to jailbreak before? and have u tried the tweaks cydia has to offer? :P

Cause i know the fact that after 3-5 days after ios5 arrived, it was possible to jailbreak it.
Frash exist and is available for most ios updates and not as good but act almost as well as flash on pc.
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Haha :P
Jailbreaking the ipad is the very first thing im going to do :P cant stand itunes, so therefore i use ifunbox for transfering files :P

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