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Small Slideshow Icon on start up


iPF Noob

Having only had my Ipad a week (been on holiday to the USA) i was playing around and started a slideshow of my photos. This stopped playing after awhile due to the sleep timer.

I then went to turn the Ipad back on and it wouldn't start up so i held the power button and on/off button down to restart it - this worked.

My problem is that when i turn it on i now have a small slideshow icon appearing next to the "slide to unlock".

How do i get rid of this ??

Any help would be greatly appreciated
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That slideshow buttons has always been on the lock screen.
its a feature of the ipad and is on every ipad.

when you go into settings there is a section for Picture Frame.
in there you can select when pictures are shown in the slideshow when the picture frame mode button is clicked on the lock screen.
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I had same issue. You can get rid of it. Under settings, general, go to passcode lock. You have to have passcode lock active. Where it says picture frame, turn it off. Icon disappears.
Not sure if this is a dead issue now, but that slideshow image bothered my OCD. I found that in [FONT=&quot]/System/library/CoreServices/Springboard.app that you can remove SLIDESHOWBKGND.PNG SLIDESHOWLANDSCAPE.PNG & SLIDESHOWPORTRAIT.PNG. That will in turn remove that hideous button.

Any questions, let me know- AP3X
I had same issue. You can get rid of it. Under settings, general, go to passcode lock. You have to have passcode lock active. Where it says picture frame, turn it off. Icon disappears.

Thanks, this did the trick for me - I'm rid of the icon!:D
Not sure if this is a dead issue now, but that slideshow image bothered my OCD. I found that in [FONT=&amp]/System/library/CoreServices/Springboard.app that you can remove SLIDESHOWBKGND.PNG SLIDESHOWLANDSCAPE.PNG & SLIDESHOWPORTRAIT.PNG. That will in turn remove that hideous button.

Any questions, let me know- AP3X

Hate to bump an old thread but I did what this Edited by Moderator - please read the forum rules about rudeness said and now my ipad is stuck in a loop trying to respring. I tried making 10x10 blank png files (have no idea what size they were originally before I deleted them) with the names of these 3 files and threw them back in there with iexplorer while it was sitting there respringing over and over but it didnt seem to do any good. anyone got any advice on what the heck to do since following this Edited by Moderator - as above advice seems to have broken my ipad?
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If you dont want to activate your passcode to remove the icon AND If your iPad is jail broken, you can do as I wrote here: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...7894-how-hide-lock-screen-slideshow-icon.html

Else, on a stock iPad, there is no way to remove that icon.

And, as you've noticed, it's not a good idea to change stock iPad/Apple files and folders. The best way to do this is to use Winterboard and theme away the offending "stuff.". Of course - only is your jail broke.


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