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Saving PDF on ipad

Absolutely...download good reader app. I think it was free and is simple. I also have iannotate where you can mark up a PDF. I just emailed the PDF to myself and opened it in the iPad or you can load it from your computer when syncing.
Is it possible to save PDF on iPad?
I'd like to attach it then to an e-mail message.

The new version of iBooks supports PDF natively. Just email yourself the PDF and then open it in the email and it is stored in your library.


Good reader is very good also!
Last edited:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd5f4nauKTE]YouTube - iBooks 1.1 app for iPhone iOS 4, iPad (Review)[/ame]

Little review of the new 1.1 features including how to use the PDF function
Absolutely...download good reader app. I think it was free and is simple. I also have iannotate where you can mark up a PDF. I just emailed the PDF to myself and opened it in the iPad or you can load it from your computer when syncing.

Ummm, goodreader app is not free. But it's cheap at 0.99$

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