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Safari Problem - downloading pdf's


iPF Noob
I am having trouble all of a sudden downloading a pdf from a secure site. It used to work. When I click on the pdf to download, the ipad screen kind of dims after a second and then says "Download Failed" - Safari cannot download this file.

Any suggestions about what could be wrong?
There's a way to download PDFs from the net. Use GoodReader. One of it's functions is web browsing but if you paste in the URL it will be faster.
Atomic browse will also download. It's a better browser, but not as versatile a file manager. But it does support Open With, so you can browse with Atomic, and after a file is downloaded you can select it and open it in GoodReader.

Of course if you are just going to the site for downloads, the browser in GoodReader is more than enough.

I wasn't aware that Safari ever had download abilities. Though it will open a pdf and display it, usually.
To download a pdf to Goodreader easily type gr in front of the URL and it will open Goodreader and dl the pdf.
Goodreader worked!..thanks! I'll try the GL trick next time..thanks also..

I swear to you though, I used to be able to go to the secure site and click on the pdf and it would download to the ipad...maybe I just dreamed it...strange.

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