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Goodday everyone
I've been a gadget freak for many years but did not start playing with Apple products until recently. As a current owner of a new IPad 2, I was trying to load a scheduler from Kronos but have discovered I need Java enabled to do so. This seems to be a problem. I was aware of Adobe issues but did not know I could not download java as well.
Anyone have any ideas short of jailbreaking?
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Goodday everyone
I've been a gadget freak for many years but did not start playing with Apple products until recently. As a current owner of a new IPad 2, I was trying to load a scheduler from Kronos but have discovered I need Java enabled to do so. This seems to be a problem. I was aware of Adobe issues but did not know I could not download java as well.
Anyone have any ideas short of jailbreaking?

Unfortunately, the iPad does not do Java, either. And, as far as I know, jail breaking the iPad will not help you get Java installed. There use to be a tweak, many years ago, called crash, but that was abandoned a long time ago.

Sorry, but there's no Flash or Java on the iPad ... and there probably never will be. See this thread for the latest info: http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-faq/54703-flash-ipad.html


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