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Really rooting for 4.3.4 Jailbreak.


iPF Novice
As some of you know, I was once jail-broken, then kinda decided to get away from it. I posted the reason that there just didn't seem to be enough to warrant my staying in that state. But the biggest concern (and determining factor for my turn-a-bout) was the worry that I (not being very technically oriented) might find that Apple, somewhere down the line, might implement something whereby a 'jail-breaker' would not be able to restore/recover his/her Ipad from being jail-broken.

A few days back, I decided to risk it. I wanted to Jail-break again, so I set myself up with Ipad (Gen 1, v4.3.3) for the procedure. Everything seemed to go fine, up til the very end. It was at that point that my Ipad froze up. I waited for the longest time, and then decided to sit it down, and reboot. It would not. All I had was a black screen, and there seemed to be nothing I could do to correct it. I then went though attempts to restore it, which was a huge battle, and I thought that I had 'bricked' it.

Shortly thereafter, I saw life in my Ipad again. I pushed it through the restoration process, and got it back. However, my IPad was also upgraded to v4.3.4. I must've hit something that I shouldn't have, because I had known that there wasn't a Jail-break for that version. But it's a done deal, now. I only hope that someone will come out with a Jail-break for the version that I have. It would be nice to have some of those 'Jail-broken' features back.
I think the problem is that the OP was on iOS 4.3.4, for which there is no JB for the iPad2. He 'accidentally' upgraded from 4.3.3, for which a JB is available, to 4.3.4.

He 'accidentally' upgraded from 4.3.3, for which a JB is available, to 4.3.4.


How does one accidently upgrade?:confused:


Fighting sleep for the last couple of hours (wrestling with a PC matter), which is probably the causative factor behind my not explaining better. When I went to restore my IPad, I was in such a fog over what I might have done to my my unit (bricking), that I was only concerned with bringing my IPad back around. That there was no Jail-break for v.4.3.4 is something that I had previously read about, but the same that I had lost focus on during that tense period. It was only afterward that I returned to the awareness of that factor.
But you CAN jailbreak your 4.3.4. It is tethered but that is not much of a problem. What exactly is your issue?

For me the biggest reason I like to jailbreak is the ability to backup all of my apps to my dropbox account. This has saved me on several occations where I had to do a restore without restore from backup.
But you CAN jailbreak your 4.3.4. It is tethered but that is not much of a problem. What exactly is your issue?

For me the biggest reason I like to jailbreak is the ability to backup all of my apps to my dropbox account. This has saved me on several occations where I had to do a restore without restore from backup.

Yes, I am aware that there is a 'tethered' jail-break for v4.3.4, but I care not for that particular manner. It isn't really a big issue with me (the reason that I'd like to jail-break again) and, actually, my reasoning for desiring to do so is rather simplistic. Having a bigger hand on customization is one plus, and the ability that you mentioned, above, is also one that my attention is drawn to.

Also, I REALLY liked that 'black keyboard' :).

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