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Problems with Corrupt Home Screen - FolderEnhancer?


iPF Noob
I have been using FolderEnhancer for quite a while and all of a sudden today, all my folders disappeared and the app icons were arranged in alphabetical order. Not quite sure what happened.

I had recently migrated to the iPad3 from the iPad1 - both uses FolderEnhancer and the one on iPad3 was corrupted. I was thinking of exporting the icon layout from the iPad1 to the iPad3 but am not sure where the FolderEnhancer data is stored. Knowing this location can also mean I can back it up myself next time around.

Also, I have been having intermittent problems with my home screen; it seems to happen recently where I boot up and the home screen is blank - just the wall paper with no icons nothing. When I swipe left, I can get tot he search screen but trying to type in it shows an iphone sized keyboard instead of the normal keyboard. Not sure if anyone has encountered this before.

Any help would be appreciated.
Kerean said:
I have been using FolderEnhancer for quite a while and all of a sudden today, all my folders disappeared and the app icons were arranged in alphabetical order. Not quite sure what happened.

I had recently migrated to the iPad3 from the iPad1 - both uses FolderEnhancer and the one on iPad3 was corrupted. I was thinking of exporting the icon layout from the iPad1 to the iPad3 but am not sure where the FolderEnhancer data is stored. Knowing this location can also mean I can back it up myself next time around.

Also, I have been having intermittent problems with my home screen; it seems to happen recently where I boot up and the home screen is blank - just the wall paper with no icons nothing. When I swipe left, I can get tot he search screen but trying to type in it shows an iphone sized keyboard instead of the normal keyboard. Not sure if anyone has encountered this before.

Any help would be appreciated.

Did you recently download or upgrade the Zeppelin tweak? If so, read this thread.
I know exactly what you are talking about with the keyboard being small like an iPhone. I had this issue numerous times when I had gridlock and folder enhancer installed. Every now and then after a reboot or respring my screen would act like an iPhone screen. Sometimes if that happened I would respring or reboot and that would fix the problem BUT sometimes it would not. Then if I uninstalled gridlock or folder enhancer (they both uninstall because custom icon is installed with both of them) it always fixed the problem. I havent had it happen since. It's weird but some users have had this problem.
Hmm I never had this problem all the time I was using my iPad1, and the symptoms look exactly like that Zepplin thread. I am also not usign Gridlock either and this problem is driving me up the wall.

I have since learnt a clue - the file var/mobile/Library/Springboard/IconSupportState.plist seems to be the file that stores the icon layout - but I'm not sure why it keeps getting corrupt periodically.
My ipad became very erratic since the latest folder enhancer update and I had to uninstall the tweak. It is ok now.
Does it mean you are not using folderenhancern now? Have you found an alternative? I can't quite live without it though as I have like 580apps installed.

My ipad became very erratic since the latest folder enhancer update and I had to uninstall the tweak. It is ok now.
I also tried infinifolders but had the same result. It's weird because my iPad 3 would work great for a few weeks or so then it would act like an iPhone screen. The only thing that would work would be to uninstall the program.
Kerean said:
Does it mean you are not using folderenhancern now? Have you found an alternative? I can't quite live without it though as I have like 580apps installed.

Yes, Iam not using it now.
Seems like it could be the iPad 3 that is the problem since both FOlder Enhancer and Infinifolders have this proboem....or could it be IconSupport? Hope someone here knows how we can solve this!
Kerean said:
Seems like it could be the iPad 3 that is the problem since both FOlder Enhancer and Infinifolders have this proboem....or could it be IconSupport? Hope someone here knows how we can solve this!

My issue is with the iPad 2 though
I also had issues with icon support. The few times I updated icon support my screen went wacky. Then I uninstalled it and everything worked. It's def a weird issue.
Hmm by uninstalling IconSupport means you can't use FolderEnhancer right? This is a very important app so I'm hoping to find a solution. Right now, each time my iPad3 crashes (due to some unrelated reason), upon reboot, the iconlayout all goes weird. I will then have to restore an old version of IconSupporState.plist to get it back. For now I am using this as a workaround until there's a solution.
The short and easy answer to this is, if your layout is corrupt when you reboot your iPad then you have a tweak or app installed which is not compatible with either 1) the iPad, or 2) the version of IOS you have installed. A respring will only fix it temporarily. You MUST remove the package which is incompatible via Cydia.

IconSupport should not be the issue. Neither should FolderEnhancer and Gridlock, provided you are using legitimate versions. The only time I have known these to cause problems is where people are using cracked versions of them. Assuming yours are legit, then you need to go through the rest of your tweaks. List them out here if you like and we'll see if we can spot what the problems is.

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