I am going to Berlin next week. I need a pre paid sim for my data for a week. Any suggestion on which is the best option as far as provider and locations where to buy the card?
Thanks for the support.
How much traffic do you approximately need?
If you can get by with 500MB, I would recommend Fonic (sorry, as a newbie i can't post links...),
since it's available locally at a local drugstore chain, called DM. There you can buy the SIM.
If it's not too old stock it should already be a Micro-Sim. The Card itself costs 9,95€ and the 500MB
package also costs 9,95€ and is good for a whole month. But it either comes preloaded with 10€ credit
or the 500MB package free for a month anyway, so you're good to go from the start either way.
And it's actually a flatrate, meaning after 500MB of full 3G speed you still will be able to connect,
though only with 64Kbit per second...
If you need more full speed traffic, there's another option, available at a supermarket called LIDL,
where you get 5GB of full 3GB speed for only 14,99€. They don't have a Micro-Sim though, so you have
to cut it down to size. The card itself costs 9,95€ as well, but it's already preloaded with a credit of 10€
Both of these use o2 as their carrier, and both have to be activated online.
The data package then is ordered via SMS, so you need a mobile phone for that.