iPF Noob
Hi, I had generation one Ipad and loved it so now I have upgraded. I am having problems with my emails,however.
The first problem is with my mailboxes,there are so many! I have mailbox,email,then another nmed after my server and one named all inboxes,all very confusing! Another problem is that i may receive a message which informs me that it is only partially downloaded,i can click to fully download but the file is empty and to see this email i have to switch mailboxes where the email will be already downloaded! Could anyone clarify this for me please? Many thanks
The first problem is with my mailboxes,there are so many! I have mailbox,email,then another nmed after my server and one named all inboxes,all very confusing! Another problem is that i may receive a message which informs me that it is only partially downloaded,i can click to fully download but the file is empty and to see this email i have to switch mailboxes where the email will be already downloaded! Could anyone clarify this for me please? Many thanks