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Orange .gif Turns blue on iPad


iPF Noob
Hi, I am having trouble with an orange .gif that appears as blue on the iPad. What do I need to do to keep the orange, orange?
Hi, I am having trouble with an orange .gif that appears as blue on the iPad. What do I need to do to keep the orange, orange?

If the color orange is appearing as blue, then you have one of two issues. You either have all colors inverted, which means you can change that by going to Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> White on Black -> Turn to off OR you have a defective display and you should contact the company you purchased the iPad from.
I am developing the .gif for a client and they tell me the Orage is showing blue when viewed on the iPad. I don't actally have an iPad, although this may just be my excuse to get one :) I just can't figure why this would be... It's just an animated .gif and it appears Orange as it should be for me and it's web safe colors.
I am developing the .gif for a client and they tell me the Orage is showing blue when viewed on the iPad. I don't actally have an iPad, although this may just be my excuse to get one :) I just can't figure why this would be... It's just an animated .gif and it appears Orange as it should be for me and it's web safe colors.

Please send me a personal message with the web link. I am also a software developer and currently have an iPad 2 and iPhone 4S in shop I can test this with.
No, I did not. And I just checked all my settings to make sure I can receive private messages here. I have no clue why it isn't working.
I just read this note in the PM box: "Note: Until your post count is 6 you will be able to send PMs to Staff only." So I guess since I am new..... I think this is my 6th post so maybe it'll work now.
LOL... Now that is too funny!

Ok, I have tested the URL from my iPhone 4S under 5.1 and iPad 2 under 5.1. They both show the same Orange pot with bubbles rising out of it with the words "Your results are cooking up".

It looks perfectly fine from my test. You need to have your client take a snap shot of the screen by hitting the sleep/standby button and the home button at the same time and then have them email you the screen capture.
AArrgh. I asked her to check the setting you told me about and this was the response: "I don't think either are true, because it happens consistently across several iPads, not just Jason's."

I think it will piss her off if I ask her to send a screen grab... like I don't believe her or something. So weird.
IF she wants it "fixed", she better send the screen shot. Otherwise you can't tell what is going on. The screen shot will be of the raw pixels and it should allow you to figure out what is going on.
Got the screen grab. Unfortunately it tells me nothing. You? photo.webp

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