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ok ladys i have a question for you to answer


iPF Noob
Ok ladys i have a basic relationship question to ask you ..

the reason behind this post was a lady who is my girlfriend freind said something to her about me today watching women walking by in highs heels at the mall that we where at shoping at the time for they where on a hard marble type floor at the mall and they make sounds when they walked on the flloor and i would look up as they walked by and then go back to the book i had bought and was reading ..

for they where comeing back from shopping and droping the bags off with me and leave to go to another store ..so i was sitting there in the seats the place has when i notice her friend up on the upper floor watching me watching the lovely ladys who where wearing high heels walking past me where i was sitting at ...

she goes and tell her i was doing that and my girl goes i know he watchs women as they walk by he a guy and if was not watching women walk by i be worryed about it ..so the women is now mad and she tell my girl that you do know that it is a form of cheating to watch women like that ..

i mean is her business anyway about how we do things ..i mean i find it funny that my girl and some of the girls that she is friends with went to the male strip show that was put on at one of the clubs for one of the girls birthday party and as she was walking out the door to get in to the limo that they had rented for the night ... i was handing her $100.oo dollars in 1.oo dollar bills and said have fun for i have the apisin and water ready for when you get home tonight ..

{{{she came home bombed out of her mind of sometype of new drink that was makeing the rounds that the girls where drinking that night ..she left a path of cloths from the front door to the bathroom where she passed out over the tub with her upper part of the body inside the tub and the rest of her body sitting on the bathroom floor..the next morning you could not make a sound for she thought we where trying to kill her with noise levels inside the house..her kid do the whole thing with the blender:D playing with the diff speeds intill she came into the room and looked at her and she stoped it .}}}

that made her friend even more mad over the fact that i did not have a problem like the rest of the husband and boyfriends ..

she made a comment to my girl about me not haveing a problem with the work that she does for a liveing ..i do not know was what was said after that for that all i gotten so far out of my girl today about there talk this afternoon ..

she is a little upset and not really talking about what had happen between her and her girlfriend ..
Well I don't think I am that jealous but I seriously doubt I would be handing over a fistful of dollar bills to my girlfriend, let alone wife, to go to a strip club. :)
you have gone into shops that sales lingerie clothing for the more mature women and seen pictures on the wall of the models wearing one of the outfits that the store is saleing . ..she models some of the outfits that you see in the pictures that the catalog sales to the more mature women buying lingerie clothing and outfits


gone to GlamourCon in Long Beach Ca at the Queen Mary where you go and see your playmates or other adult models that work in the vintage and pinup and lingerie adult modeling business ..

she make good money dureing the model shoots up to $2000.oo dollar a day for the shoots as they are called for three days work in the week a couple times a month if it slow times and if it close to summer or Xmas time frame of the year it gets a little crazy with the work .. can be 7 days a week intill the all the shoot that where schedule is crazy fro one shoot to another from about 7.am in the morning to about midnight or longer

more of the stuff you see them have been airbrushed and fixed to a inch of there life in the pictures .
Well I don't think I am that jealous but I seriously doubt I would be handing over a fistful of dollar bills to my girlfriend, let alone wife, to go to a strip club. :)
OK that didn't actually come out right!

yeah it came out right :D and it was her money anyway that i was giveing to her

hey i got to go to the backstage when they are shooting the photo of her and the other girls and so if figure it a fair trade on the deal:p of her going with her girlfriends to see the male stripper thunder from down under show ..
My wife points out the girls she thinks I will like on TV and real life. Just this morning she was watching TV and called me from downstairs "come look at this girl's boobs!"

Japanese girls are a little different though, so I can't tell you from the average American girl's point of view.

However, I will say this from my "professional" opinion (M.S. In Counseling Psychology)

She most likely has her own trust issues with men and has been cheated on or betrayed before. Either that or she is so unhappy with the way things are going in her own life, that she feels everyone else around her needs to be miserable as well.

How old is this woman?
she is in her middle 40s if i had guess i would say 46 ..she been married twice and both times her husband left her for another women who was younger and who was as we better in some areas of the things that can not be said out in the open in a public form ..
we had talk tonight after she went out and blew off some stream by running a few miles and told me she was more mad over the fact that this person had allways put her in the prostion to defend everything she does to her as a socalled friend ..both me and her kid have told her to get rid of her for she is not worth it in the long run to deal with that type of b.s. in one life .

so i walked down to the corner market and got her a single rose and when she get up and goes out to the car this a rose on her driver seat for her to have when leave to go the shoot this morning at 6.am ..
This is a hard question to answer and as it is very difficult to understand your writing style; however, the reality is a lot of woman watch men walk away from them, especially in tight jeans and a well formed backside.

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