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Numbers -> PDF


iPF Noob
I am a salesman for a company and I am trying to figure out a way we can use our iPad with numbers so we can take our excel spreadsheet out in the field and figure up quotes out in the field, then convert the proposal into a PDF and have th customer sign the PDF there and then email us and them a copy.

The way I have it set up now, it is all in 1 big spreadsheet, with a tab for figure the materials and price, then it uses some of the fields and sends them to another tab where I have the proposal form set up to auto full certain fields based on what I have filled in the price sheet tab. This all works fine and dandy.

The problem I am running into is when I try to convert it into a PDF and email the proposal over, it converts the entire spreadsheet to the PDF and emails it including the price sheet and mark ups. Is there any way I can get it to convert just the proposal tab and email them only that so they don't see the price sheet and all the behind the scenes company side of things?

And one last thing, is there any way to capture a signature using a stylus in numbers, or am I stuck having to xfer it to one of the 3rd party programs that capture signatures in a PDF?

Thanks for any help, as I have hit a wall in trying to figure this out for myself.
I can't think of any way to convert only one tab of a spreadsheet to PDF, at least not one that would work well for your needs.

On the other hand, since you do have to send the PDF to another app to sign, try PDF Expert. Besides signing the document, you can also go into to it and delete the unwanted pages.
Well maybe you can help me with another problem I have encountered. I have our blank price sheet loaded into numbers, but it saves the spreadsheet as we are inputting the quantity and figuring the total price, and there is no way to revert back to the blank price sheet when we are done figuring out that one quote. We run multiple price sheets throughout the day, so would the only solution be to just load multiple blank price sheet in at the beginning of the day? Or is there someway to incorporate the iCloud into this to make happen what I need.

Sorry, I am still a bit of a mac OS noob, trying to make the switch over for our company. Thanks!
Here is a trick that will work for you:

Select the blank worksheet in Numbers and export it using the iTunes method. This places it into a folder that iTunes uses when you do the File Sharing thing. The same folder is used when importing documents from iTunes. So now that it is there, you can create a new document, and choose iTunes as the source. Your original blank document will be there for you to import as many times as you need it. This is almost as good as having real custom templates.

Documents you export to iTunes will stay in this folder unless you use iTunes to delete them (using File Sharing under the Apps tab), delete the app from the iPad, or some weird update/reset bug gets you.

You should probably also keep a special folder just for blank templates. That way you can use the duplicate function if one of the above happens; or re-export it to iTunes.

Also, be safe and keep copies of your important documents backed up off the iPad.
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