iPF Noob
Sounds like I'm hardly the first with a Nook app issue. I've been a Kindle reader 'til now, but wanted to give other things a try.
I purchased a book that was labeled "Enhanced E-Book Edition", with explicit mention of support for the iPhone app. I'm now 0-3 trying to get it to download on my iPad, iPhone, or my wife's Nook Color. The error I get on all 3 devices is:
"We are sorry. This item is not yet supported on this device."
Anyone else seen this, and have resolution? I've done all of the dances, the shutting down of the app, the reboot, I've written for help to Barnes and Noble..no luck.
Thanks for any insight!
I purchased a book that was labeled "Enhanced E-Book Edition", with explicit mention of support for the iPhone app. I'm now 0-3 trying to get it to download on my iPad, iPhone, or my wife's Nook Color. The error I get on all 3 devices is:
"We are sorry. This item is not yet supported on this device."
Anyone else seen this, and have resolution? I've done all of the dances, the shutting down of the app, the reboot, I've written for help to Barnes and Noble..no luck.
Thanks for any insight!