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iPF Noob
I am trying to get my jailbroken ipad 1/ios501 to read epub's...it's a nightmare!!

Installed ibooks II...just crashes...went thru xsellize and got ibooksfix...again no good, just keeps crashing!!
Then tried 'Bluefire reader' ...this does'nt crash...BUT....it can't see the books on the ipad!
I am sure they are there, used ifile and it shows them under the book section.
They are also on itunes 10.5...shows up under 'books'..(shows the images in the folder). They are drm free...
I guess by now you will have realised I'm not the brightest sparkler in the box...(put it down to my age) but I'm trying!!

Any advice & guidance would really be gratefully recieved...over to you wizards out there!

If you are not getting books then you should see the settings of your new system.There might be some issue with them.Usually such type of issues has come in such scenario.So you don't need to worry and just see on settings if you did not get them you must go for help on ipad website.It will tell you all things in details.
thankyou for the reply John123...I have now resolved it...went the long way round though!

I restored the ipad ...did a new 'jailbreak'...Did not install ibooksII, only bluefire reader...and et voila...working!

My thanks to all!!

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