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New iPad vs. iPad 2: Which One Should You Get?

up to you, the gen 3. Has higher res, 4 core processor, higher mp cameras, for the greater part, that is the distinction,( I know there are other things) but for my it wasn't worth the $100 more
For the $100 I got a cool case and gas money for the week...lol

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recently, some of my friends ordered the new ipad, and they asked me to change one,too. Should I get rid of my iPad 2 for the new iPad?
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If someone asks me this question I'm inclined to say NO. If a person doesn't already see the benefits then it is very likely they will be happy with what they have. It's not my job to sell product for Apple...they seem to be doing quite well without my help.
If you don't have anything, generally better to get the newer product, becomes obsolete in a longer time. I had an iPad 1 and got the iPad 3 and am very happy. All the cheap iPhone games with retina graphics look great. If I had an iPad 2 I'd keep what I had. I generally skip at least 1 or 2 generations, it just gets too expensive, unless you have a way to sell your iPad 2 for a lot more than its worth.

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