iPF Novice
Hello everyone. I stumbled upon you guys after the iPad 2 announcement. I recently bought the first gen iPad 16G WiFi, as an early birthday gift because I wasn't sure when v2 would be released. Ironically it's on my birthday, lol. Stranger things have happened I guess. Despite this revelation, I'm not looking to sell off what I have for an upgrade. I really purchased it as an eBook and to keep up with my love for all things Apple. I have a 2nd gen iPod classic I refuse to get rid of, purchased a MacBook Pro 1.5 years ago and upgraded to an iPhone 4 last year.
So far, I love my iPad and so does my daughter. I'm an avid book reader and it's serving it's purpose very well. I look forward to what will be revealed next year. Hopefully some of the desired features that didn't make it in v2 (retina display, etc.)
Thank you and I look forward to all of your insight!
So far, I love my iPad and so does my daughter. I'm an avid book reader and it's serving it's purpose very well. I look forward to what will be revealed next year. Hopefully some of the desired features that didn't make it in v2 (retina display, etc.)
Thank you and I look forward to all of your insight!
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