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Need anti virus app.


iPF Noob
Jan 26, 2012
Reaction score
I got my iPad last December and I heard that I need to have an anti virus app for my iPad 2....I don't know any of this app. I'm still trying to figure out my iPad so still don't have any idea yet...help pls!
No need for anti virus on the stock iPad.

There have been only a few documented attacks by malware on iPads, and these were all on jail broken devices running non approved apps.
Hi Gracie - welcome to the forum! :)

The simple answer is NO; there are no viruses out there (at the moment) that will affect the Apple iPad; some discussion in a recent thread HERE and plenty on the web if you want to google!

NOW, whether you want an AV program on your iPad is currently more of an issue to protect those on PCs who you may email and/or send files, i.e. although your iPad will not be infected, you could potentially pass on malware to a PC Windows computer; so depends on your own situation.

For me, I have no AV/malware installed on my iPad; in fact, when I visit sites that might be potentially 'malware happy', I use the iPad rather than my Dell Vista laptop - have had no problem! Good luck and please post back w/ further questions!

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