imdakine1 is not the only one worried about a choice between Maxjournal or Chronicle for iPad - A Personal Journal. I am another person struggling to pick one and still trying to make up my mind as to which one to choose.
I do no have an iPad yet as I am still saving up to get one for myself for Xmas and if I am still short, then my family and friends could chip in a little to add up. Until I get one, I thought to spend the time reviewing the apps to make a list of what apps to download when I get one.
I could do with a journal to write about things I did and found Maxjournal and Chronicle, they both are so similar apart from their own pros and cons, and I found it hard to pick one.
I didn't think I was the only one thinking about which one to go for.
By the way Peter, I live in the UK too, you're right they are £1.79 each, but really, for some like me on low income, I don't want to pay that much for both and try them out, I would rather spend £1.79 on one and save the other £1.79 for any other apps than the £3.58 for both. May be okay for those who can afford to waste money trying out different apps, but not for those on tight budget.
Unlike imdakine1 who said he is leaning towards Maxjournal, I am still in the middle and still trying to review both.
I wonder how many others like us, trying to decide for Maxjournal or Chronicle?