iPF Noob
My name is henry and iam looking forward for the apple ipad tablet for i realy want something that i can keep my personal files and apps with me all the time and now as i am getting old they are really easlyer to see on a bigger screen than the iphone screen ....I was rasied in the statee but spoke German at home intill went to school for my dad along with my grandparents on side of the family was all raised in the area of Texas that was known at the time as little Germany for all the German speakers in the area ..So we spoke German in the house and English outside the house ..
So when i write a post in think in german and write in english and times it make a post just a little hard to follow sometime ..
I just switched over from the windows to the mac os system for i waiting for my imac to come in from the apple place ..
i saw the apple ipad set up at one of the apple stores that was doing a little demo with the fake tablet i think and it was beening showen to the people there and i thought that would be a great way to keep my personal files and apps on to allow me to check out diff things and without going into my phone system for it was getting harder to read as i get older...
So when i write a post in think in german and write in english and times it make a post just a little hard to follow sometime ..
I just switched over from the windows to the mac os system for i waiting for my imac to come in from the apple place ..
i saw the apple ipad set up at one of the apple stores that was doing a little demo with the fake tablet i think and it was beening showen to the people there and i thought that would be a great way to keep my personal files and apps on to allow me to check out diff things and without going into my phone system for it was getting harder to read as i get older...