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keep your kids under your control when out in public


iPF Noob
I ride the light rail alot in LA and i watch people when iam on the train for some of the stations we stop at is not allways in the best areas of the LA and i keep a watch out for the trouble when the trains are around this stations and stoped to let people get on and off the train ..

Everyday that i ride the train down to the office the same time everyday and it the same three or four mothers who get on at one station and travel down to another station that about four stops down from the station that get on at ..They all set togerther and they are loud and noisey when they are togerther and very rude when someone will tell them to keep a eye on there kids ..

There kids roam all around the car when it in motion bothering people in the car or asking people for candy or money.. They get right up in your face about it and they will bother you intill you answer them or give them something to make them go away ..

There is a couple of people i start to see now everyday on the train and they get on before my stop and after my stop and they say hi or nodded there head to say hello when they pass by you on the way to the seat ..

One of the older black gentlemen who rides the train that i see everyday on the way into work and he catchs the same train home at night when iam comeing home from work at the same time .. there is a group of about 5 people who sit around the same spot on the train for keep a eye out for the local trouble makers that sometimes ride the train at that hour of the night ....

Today he get up and walks up to the front of the car and tells the one lady to watch her kid and stop have him roam around the car asking people for money and have the common courtesy to keep there voices down also for they are loud and noisey and it bothering the other riders .. She threw a fit over him telling her to keep a eye on her kid and goes up to the train operater station in the car and start yelling at the guy to call the cops to the night station for a person tried to assault her and her kids ..

The cops come and get saighted out and we all give the officers the story what had really happen in the car at the time ..They let the women and her kid off with a warning about makeing false statement and the train left the station to finish it run

Tonight i saw the MR M on the return trip home and we where setting there talking about what had happen earlyer on the way into work ..He goes it bad enough that we the riders have to put up with some people who ride the train that is up to no good at this hour of the night .. But i have grown tired of these women haveing there kids roaming around the train acting like little toll collectors for the mother who do nothing but sit there and talk loud and use a lot of four letter words that they think pass for propler langauge now days ..

so i sit here and wonder if how you raise a childern in this culture of the socalled MTV world ..how do you install the right things in a child to make them grow up to be good adults later on in life ..
Many parents don't really care to spend the time teaching or training their kids... They would rather sit around and complain about how society is causing the problem. My Dad made me pay for everything... My first car.. Insurance...House and because of that I appreciate the things I have and take care of them! Kids nowadays get everything they want and if they ruin it... Oh well daddy will buy me another! I think it all boils down to laziness...:D

As far as this thread goes... Feel free to post your opinions but please refrain from posting unneeded/harsh opinions on how you disagree with another member.
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I think it all boils down to laziness...:D

Along with a sense of entitlement. I work with JSO's. Juvenile Sex Offenders and I have seen it all. The ages are 11-18 and they boys come from rich affluent families ~ their sense of entitlement and lack of empathy astounds me.
thank you for the replys ..i feel that the mothers of the kids should not be allowed to have anymore kids for they are not doing a great job with them the first time around

iam go glad that my mother and dad was hard on me as i got old in the house mom was more of hard one than dad but dad could be hard as nails also ..my dad did buy me a car but only after he wrecked my first pick up truck i ever ownered and had to replace it.. but that another post some where down the line ..

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