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iPhoto help


iPF Noob
OK so I have my iPad2 with a JB running ios 5.01 and I download iPhoto and iphotofix from cydia. iPhotofix says iPhoto must be installed first in order to run on the 5.01 OS, but when I try to install iPhoto it says that it needs a newer OS, i.e., 5.1. So it's like a Catch-22! Any ideas on how to get this to work?
OK so I have my iPad2 with a JB running ios 5.01 and I download iPhoto and iphotofix from cydia. iPhotofix says iPhoto must be installed first in order to run on the 5.01 OS, but when I try to install iPhoto it says that it needs a newer OS, i.e., 5.1. So it's like a Catch-22! Any ideas on how to get this to work?

You don't even want to go there, believe me! The only way I know of to make this work WILL result in you losing your jailbreak the next time you update any apps dependent on the 5.0.1 signature. I did this and I lost my jailbreak. It has happened to others, also. Unless one of the Mods steps in and says there is a verified way Please, DON'T DO IT!!!

Cheers, Dan
You don't even want to go there, believe me! The only way I know of to make this work WILL result in you losing your jailbreak the next time you update any apps dependent on the 5.0.1 signature. I did this and I lost my jailbreak. It has happened to others, also. Unless one of the Mods steps in and says there is a verified way Please, DON'T DO IT!!!

Cheers, Dan
Thanks Dan, that's good to know. But I don't understand why or how the Cydia tweek could exist if it's impossible to get the app onto the iPad in the first place.
I have lost mine due to the same reason...the piece to know is that you need to change your plist file back to 5.0.1 and reboot before progressing.

I have downgraded to 4.3.3 to jb again and tried the trick and it worked. But it is a very muddy territory to be.
I have lost mine due to the same reason...the piece to know is that you need to change your plist file back to 5.0.1 and reboot before progressing.

I have downgraded to 4.3.3 to jb again and tried the trick and it worked. But it is a very muddy territory to be.

Thanks, but I am not that conversant in the iPad ways to even know what a plist file is, nevermind downgrading and rebooting!!
It's not that it's impossible. But you really need to understand what you are doing, why, and the consequences.

You basically hack your iPad to fool it into thinking that it has 5.1 installed when it doesn't. This allows you to install iPhoto. You then need to UNDO the hack so that your iPad is correctly back on 5.0.1, otherwise Cydia will remove the jailbreak untether hack the next time it is run because the Corona untether is dependant on 5.0.1. If this happens you render your iPad2 inoperable without a restore, which means 5.1 and no jailbreak...

Unfortunately, the instructions (from another site) that the guys followed to do the hack did not warn them that there would be consequences and that they would need to undo it once they got iPhoto on there.

I never recommend hacks like this to folks that don't understand their jailbreaks well. The iPad2 jailbreak is precious. One fasle move and you lose it as things stand today (this will likely change in the near future, and a restore to 5.0.1 will be possible in the coming weeks / months).
So, it's best not to mess with stuff unless you totally understand what you are doing. If you think you follow what I have said above (i.e. as soon as you get iPhoto on your device you MUST get the hack undone so that the iPad is correctly reporting it is on 5.0.1 again), then go ahead, but it is at your own risk.

Hope that helps :)
It's not that it's impossible. But you really need to understand what you are doing, why, and the consequences.

You basically hack your iPad to fool it into thinking that it has 5.1 installed when it doesn't. This allows you to install iPhoto. You then need to UNDO the hack so that your iPad is correctly back on 5.0.1, otherwise Cydia will remove the jailbreak untether hack the next time it is run because the Corona untether is dependant on 5.0.1. If this happens you render your iPad2 inoperable without a restore, which means 5.1 and no jailbreak...

Unfortunately, the instructions (from another site) that the guys followed to do the hack did not warn them that there would be consequences and that they would need to undo it once they got iPhoto on there.

I never recommend hacks like this to folks that don't understand their jailbreaks well. The iPad2 jailbreak is precious. One fasle move and you lose it as things stand today (this will likely change in the near future, and a restore to 5.0.1 will be possible in the coming weeks / months).
So, it's best not to mess with stuff unless you totally understand what you are doing. If you think you follow what I have said above (i.e. as soon as you get iPhoto on your device you MUST get the hack undone so that the iPad is correctly reporting it is on 5.0.1 again), then go ahead, but it is at your own risk.

Hope that helps :)

OK, it sounds a little dangerous, but I'd like to read up on how to do it. If it looks like I can follow it, then maybe I'll give it a try. I do pick up on these things fairly quickly, but I am new to Apple stuff so I tread lightly. Can you point me in the direction of where instruction on the hack are located??
One point to add that fatboy did not make clear enough (and this is where I got caught), is that whe you undo the hack by renaming your plist back to 5.0.1 YOU MUST REBOOT YOUR DEVICE.

I stand to be corrected by my experience indicates that the ipad reads the version of the ios on start up so if you undo the hack but do not reboot and go into cydia, you will also loose your jb.
One point to add that fatboy did not make clear enough (and this is where I got caught), is that whe you undo the hack by renaming your plist back to 5.0.1 YOU MUST REBOOT YOUR DEVICE.

I stand to be corrected by my experience indicates that the ipad reads the version of the ios on start up so if you undo the hack but do not reboot and go into cydia, you will also loose your jb.

OK so I found out how to do the hack. It seems fairly easy:
Step 2: Navigate to /System/Library/CoreServices and then scroll to the bottom and open the SystemVersion.plist with a text editor.
Step 3: The .plist file contains <string> tags at the bottom which holds the installed iOS version. Edit the string to read ‘5.1‘.
Step 4: Save the edited .plist file and exit. Respring the device, then open the App Store, search for ‘iPhoto’ and then download.
Step 5: Open up Cydia and search for ‘iPhoto501Fix‘. Install the fix as per any other Cydia package.
Step 6: Respring the device and then run iPhoto app. The application should scan the photo library without issue, providing full access to the application.

But I don't how when I need to "undo the hack" like you say. Do I do all the above, launch iPhoto then go back into iFile and undo the hack? OR will launching iPhoto screw me up?
In my case, I did not undo the hack and the next time I went to Cydia it uninstalled my jb, and that was the end of it.

I would check the plist file and see what it says. If it says 5.0.1, let it be. If it says 5.1, I would change it back and reboot.
In my case, I did not undo the hack and the next time I went to Cydia it uninstalled my jb, and that was the end of it.

I would check the plist file and see what it says. If it says 5.0.1, let it be. If it says 5.1, I would change it back and reboot.

So then I guess the process would be to do the hack, install iPhoto, then undo the hack and then go to Cydia and install the iphoto fix. Right?
Because if you do as the instructions say and do the hack then install iphoto THEN go to cydia for iPhotofix, won't that uninstall the JB like in your situation?
I did not use iphotofix. I am just describing my experience and what I did, incorrectly, as I lost my jb.

I can not really provide more advise, you need to decide based on the info you have and know that it is a risky process and you may loose your jb.
muelgrub said:
OK so I have my iPad2 with a JB running ios 5.01 and I download iPhoto and iphotofix from cydia. iPhotofix says iPhoto must be installed first in order to run on the 5.01 OS, but when I try to install iPhoto it says that it needs a newer OS, i.e., 5.1. So it's like a Catch-22! Any ideas on how to get this to work?

I will recommend you wait untill there is an proper jailbreak for ios 5.1 and then you can download iPhoto again.

Sent from my iPad 2 wifi 32gb (jailbreaked) using iPF
I will recommend you wait untill there is an proper jailbreak for ios 5.1 and then you can download iPhoto again.

Sent from my iPad 2 wifi 32gb (jailbreaked) using iPF

That would be the prudent thing to do. I am, however, very impatient. I'll try to resist the temptation unless someone has a fool proof plan.
Because I have seen the "horror" stories of people losing their jail breaks over this issue (and, remember, any future jail breaking of any iOS is a hope, not a given), may I just say this:

Do something in haste ... repent in leisure.

Impatient or not, are you willing to risk your jailbreak, perhaps forEVER - for one app?

Just want to add my caution in ... patience, Grasshopper! :)


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