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iPhone OS falls to No. 3

Nothing. Every two bit china hack job runs Android...... And developers can't make money off it since the apps are free, one way or another.....

Apple is doing very well......they just need to keep innovating so the others will have something to copy....
I use Android, mainly because it's the best phone on Verizon other than BlackBerry which I was tired of using. For some reason in our house I get full coverage, where my mom and brother with iPhone 3G's only get a bar or two.
But when this contract ends next June I will be switching to AT&T and getting whatever iPhone comes out then. My bill will definitely be then, since everyone I talk to has AT&T.

Not all the apps are free, unless you get them from those free sites and install it yourself (which I don't do). But I agree with you, there are too many phones out there running Android. Too many devices with too many varying OS versions.
And theres isn't much Apple can do except to keep putting out great Hardware and Software to keep pushing the market to make great things. And some people aren't jumping to the iPhone because of AT&T network problems. Which isn't a problem in my area, just inside my house for some reason.
It sounds like you're saying that the best thing Apple can do is make more phones for more carriers.:)
I think that Android is mostly taking business away from RIM rather than Apple. I suspect that once the next generation of iPhone comes out, the iPhone will see a strong surge in demand. And if the rumors are true about a Verizon version, it will make a big rise in iPhones. I have to admit that I am amused by the media slant on this. Only one company makes iPhone, but look how many variations, models, manufacturers, carriers, etc. that are doing Android. I don't think Apple is worried about being number 3. At least their stock holders aren't in a panic.
No surprise here. I had an iPhone and having to Jailbreak it to get the most out of a phone that I paid $500 for is ridiculous. I have and love my HTC Hero running Android, there really isn't anything the iPhone does better than a good Android phone, expect maybe media playback which most people don't even use their iPhones for anymore anyway.
Most likely Apple will keep steadily losing market share until they allow Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint to carry the iphone. I'm a VERY LONG time Verizon customer with a BlackBerry Tour, I really like it but I would will be the first in line if, and when, Verizon gets an iphone, preferably a 4G iphone.
Most likely Apple will keep steadily losing market share until they allow Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint to carry the iphone. I'm a VERY LONG time Verizon customer with a BlackBerry Tour, I really like it but I would will be the first in line if, and when, Verizon gets an iphone, preferably a 4G iphone.

Good point. The main reason iPhone sucks isn't the closed platform, it is AT&T... I switched to Sprint and never looked back.
This may all change again in a month when Apple announces their new iPhone(s) and releases the iPhone OS 4.
I have to say, I like the idea of having a software built to a specific platform. It's just stable and more reliable.

Apple is fine, #1, #2, #10; not a big deal to me. the masses don't define good decisions just watch cops and you'll see that's true!
This may all change again in a month when Apple announces their new iPhone(s) and releases the iPhone OS 4.

A new system with a few new features isn't going to do anything about the problems with AT&T. It might make existing users who aren't bailing because of the lousy service happy but I seriously doubt that it'll attract many new buyers. Now that I have an iPad, I absolutely refuse to buy another phone from AT&T. If the iPhone isn't made available on another carrier, I'll buy Android or WinMo7 or whatever is good and available on another carrier.
I'm sure that Apple is crying all the way to the bank. Apple is the number one phone manufacturer in the US, and the brand is growing by leaps and bounds.
Okay just to throw my .02 in. First off Android while a different OS is running along the same types of phones that Windows Mobile used to run on. Secondly for every person that leaves ATT gripping about service there are 2-3 people switching to ATT for one reason or another. I was with Alltel for years When Verizon bought my account and my phone died (BB Storm) I was quick to jump to ATT. I have had my 3G for quite sometime now and I anxiously await the new OS. I doubt Verizon will ever get a iPhone until they get on the 4G or LTE network. If at all as Apple took some offerings off the Table right before the official launch of the Droid due to commercials bashing the iphone. Everything that people have complained as far as OS for the iPhone is considered will be pretty well squared away with the drop of OS 4. I have runn all of the Beta versions(4 so far) and a Jailbroken Beta. my 3G ran multitasking quite well even though it is not supposed to have the hardware to do so. Lets be honest Apple is not hurting from some friendly competition, and seeing as how ATT allows the App sales for the iphone to be controlled by Apple I doubt they will change much. Hence the Main reason Verizon did not get the iphone in the first place. Jailbreaking an iPhone or iPad for that matter has got to be about the easiest thing to do so complaining about it useless. Every one Apple, ATT, Verizon, Sprint, and TMobile are just trying to make a buck so as many things this will change in June and Apple, will have a huge spike again.
I have been on AT&T, Alltel, and Verizon without doing a thing. Back when AT&T was not part of SW Bell, I started with them for cell service. Then they got taken over by SW Bell and the Feds made me go to Alltel. Then Verizon took over Alltel. In every case, my service has been acceptable, so I have no need to change carriers. Considering that over the years, the service has gotten better, the price is lower, and the phones are much better, I have not have too much to gripe about.

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