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iPad2 Wifi N speed 1/2 of what it should be?


iPF Noob
I've got BrightHouse Networks as my ISP. They sell 'Lightning', a 40Mbps service, which I use.

4 computers and the iPad are on the home network. 3 are hard wired. Using Bright House Networks Bandwidth Speed Test I test all 4 computers. All are showing over 38Mbps down and over 4.8Mbps up. Even the wireless connected computer, which is N and connects at 270Mbps is showing the same speeds. I tried the above site on the iPad but it is Flash based so I can't run it on the iPad. However I did get some speed test apps from the app store. The BEST speed I ever get is around 20Mbps down with 2Mbps up. Many times more around 10 to 12Mbps down with less than 1Mbps up. However, those are taken a good distance from the router.

I don't own the router, BrightHouse does and they manage it. They will reset any parameters I change it seems other than 'normal' ones I can set.

I've got the following Wireless settings in the Router (which I can change). See attached screen capture.

I've seen some internet posts that suggest the problems lie in the above settings. I've moved the bandwidth to the 20Mhz band, the sideband to lower, and the control channels have been tried on a few different ones. I know the 5.0GHZ shouldn't work. Still, even with those changes, the speed readings do not change much is any.

From what I can see, the iPad2 is running at 1/2 speed of the others on the network? Even when placed right next to the router?

WPA-PSK is the security that is running? AES is the encryption. WPA-PSK2 is available to be used as well (not sure why it isn't on?).

And idea or suggestions?

Irv S.


  • Capture.webp
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The iPad doesn't have a true .11n antenna, as a result, the highest speed you will ever get in real life is around 20 Mb/s. Essentially the .11n is only slightly faster than the .11g network. The highest theoretical throughput of the iPad's antenna is 65Mb/s, even when it is on a .11n wifi network, which can support 300Mb/s.

The reason being that the way the wifi antenna was built, it doesn't support the features which make .11n faster than the the .11g wifi.

Anyway, if you want to know the exact reason and a bit more, on why the iPad is not a true .11n compatible wifi device:

OK, thanks...

I read the article but to me it seems a 65Mbps would be the max. one could get, no?

Is there anyway to tell how your connection is, I mean the Mbps speed of the connection?

Irv S.
Have you recently updated your firmware on the Ipad? If so try delete your network on the Ipad and put it back in. I've read where sometimes after an update the wifi is sluggish until that is done.
There is an app called Speed Test. Its free

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OK, just did that, re-connected and had to give the p/w...

I did update the OS a week ago but the problem has been from day one.

I used SpeedTest X for the iPad, about 8 feet from the router, 11Mbps down, 3.4Mbps up.

There is another that is for the iPhone, Speedtest which uses SPEEDTEST.NET. It shows 21.58Mbps down and 4.18Mbps up (max. I can get it 5.0Mbps up from the service).

Irv S.
Have you recently updated your firmware on the Ipad? If so try delete your network on the Ipad and put it back in. I've read where sometimes after an update the wifi is sluggish until that is done.
There is an app called Speed Test. Its free

I think this happened to me. And you told me about Speed Test ~ which I forgot to get!
IrvSp said:
There is another that is for the iPhone, Speedtest which uses SPEEDTEST.NET. It shows 21.58Mbps down and 4.18Mbps up (max. I can get it 5.0Mbps up from the service).

Irv S.

That sounds about right. 22Mb/s is the max mine ever got with speediest.net and that was using a fiber-optics inet connection.

The wifi protocol is fairly inefficient, so you will rarely ever reach a throughput of 50% of the theoretical throughput. So your iPad is performing normal, it's just the design of the wifi antenna which prevents faster transfer speed.
Sweet Poison ,It was probably Tim that wrote about the wifi sluggishness. He was the first I saw post it down and saw many others quote it though Tim stated he got it somewhere else.
Speed test was one of the first apps I installed on my iPad to compare between my desktop, Inc and iPad. They all are about the same speed but I've got dsl so nothing is going to be maxing any numbers in my house.
Speaking of that is there a way to FORCE the iPad to use "G"? Since the iPad is having compatibility issues with some "N" routers and they are backward compatible I'd like to set mine to G and see if the problem of the disconnects at various times on various networks is solved.

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This post was Tapatalk approved
That sounds about right. 22Mb/s is the max mine ever got with speediest.net and that was using a fiber-optics inet connection.

The wifi protocol is fairly inefficient, so you will rarely ever reach a throughput of 50% of the theoretical throughput. So your iPad is performing normal, it's just the design of the wifi antenna which prevents faster transfer speed.

I have a 100Mbs Internet connection on shaw cable..you know that old copper wire. And a linksys e4200 router and on 2 and 5 ghz the iPad only gets 39mbs max.. My laptop get 90-110 Mbs on wifi and my pc gets 120 hard wired..

Why does the iPad3 with that retina display have such a ****y network adapter.....
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I've clocked 120mb on a D-Link N router on my iPad 3

Hmhhmmm my iPhone 4 and 4S my iPad 1 and iPad 3 will not go past 39mbps. My MacBook will get 100+ on 2 ghz and 5gh...and so will my pc but the pcs are hard wired..

What are you using to test your iPad? Speedtest.net app??
croswald said:
Hmhhmmm my iPhone 4 and 4S my iPad 1 and iPad 3 will not go past 39mbps. My MacBook will get 100+ on 2 ghz and 5gh...and so will my pc but the pcs are hard wired..

What are you using to test your iPad? Speedtest.net app??

You cant use speedtest.net app, it measures your bandwidth speed not true LAN/wifi speed, I use various network tools , but just copying a file across the LAN will measure speed, at the time I was setting up and testing a D-Link N router.
You cant use speedtest.net app, it measures your bandwidth speed not true LAN/wifi speed, I use various network tools , but just copying a file across the LAN will measure speed, at the time I was setting up and testing a D-Link N router.

i am not talking about internal speeds i am talking about web browsing dowloading http files emails etc... i dont ever have to send a file to my ios devises from my pc.. i use cloud storage
croswald said:
i am not talking about internal speeds i am talking about web browsing dowloading http files emails etc... i dont ever have to send a file to my ios devises from my pc.. i use cloud storage

Yes and 39Mb/s is LAN speed and is faster than most broadband connections, speedtest.net measures your broadband speed to a ISP server of your choice and is designed to test if your ISP is delivering the goods that you pay for, the 39Mb that your idevice is connecting at is between the idevice and wireless router or access point and is classed as local area network (LAN) , broadband speed is the speed between your ISP and Router/modem, my max Broadband connection is 4Mbits DSL, but on average I get 2.5- 3.5 Mb, this was measured with speedtest.net,
So even connecting at 39/100/120Mb to a router you are still throttled down to your broadband speed when using the Internet.

Connecting to a router at 120Mb is just the connection speed, but it does not mean you will achieve this in real time.
Yes and 39Mb/s is LAN speed and is faster than most broadband connections, speedtest.net measures your broadband speed to a ISP server of your choice and is designed to test if your ISP is delivering the goods that you pay for, the 39Mb that your idevice is connecting at is between the idevice and wireless router or access point and is classed as local area network (LAN) , broadband speed is the speed between your ISP and Router/modem, my max Broadband connection is 4Mbits DSL, but on average I get 2.5- 3.5 Mb, this was measured with speedtest.net,
So even connecting at 39/100/120Mb to a router you are still throttled down to your broadband speed when using the Internet.

Connecting to a router at 120Mb is just the connection speed, but it does not mean you will achieve this in real time.

i have a 100mb internet connection from my isp . i get a constant 100mb.. all my pc and laptop achieve this connection except my ios devices

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