I got an Ipad2 wifi 16meg the other evening, I believe it was Tuesday. The next day it was announced that Steve Jobs had passed away. I see no connection between the two events, other than establishing a timeline. For what I do 16megs should be good enough. I don't watch movies that often. I may download a tv show from time to time. My music colleciton is limited.
I have a relatively new laptop also, but it was a pain to pack around. The ipad2 is so convenient. Just take off the new covering and it is on. I don't really need 3g. I got wifi at home. I had an ipad 1 3g for awhile. 3g is nice, but I like what I have now.
I have an Iphone 3gs also. I am due for a subsidized upgrade to the new iphone 4s. It was a choice between the 4s and the ipad2. The iphone 3gs is good enough for now. I'll check out the 4s later.
DB in NW Houston
I got an Ipad2 wifi 16meg the other evening, I believe it was Tuesday. The next day it was announced that Steve Jobs had passed away. I see no connection between the two events, other than establishing a timeline. For what I do 16megs should be good enough. I don't watch movies that often. I may download a tv show from time to time. My music colleciton is limited.
I have a relatively new laptop also, but it was a pain to pack around. The ipad2 is so convenient. Just take off the new covering and it is on. I don't really need 3g. I got wifi at home. I had an ipad 1 3g for awhile. 3g is nice, but I like what I have now.
I have an Iphone 3gs also. I am due for a subsidized upgrade to the new iphone 4s. It was a choice between the 4s and the ipad2. The iphone 3gs is good enough for now. I'll check out the 4s later.
DB in NW Houston