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IPAD Sync problema after HUGE "Other" Space in ITunes


iPF Noob
Apr 12, 2012
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I have problem with my Ipad 2 5.0.1 Jailbroken.

After Jailbroke, Ipad worked well, sync with iTunes working too.
After some time and instalation few apps from Cydia (Themse, LockInfo, and fe other),
after connect to iTunes, sync not working.

I Cant add music, apps not synchronizing, and most interesting things,
all storage apear as Other Space (yellow), if i change somthinh on apps tab, iOs traing recalculate usage, f.ex 10GB Other, 3GB Free
after that category storage show corectly apps, books (upt to 10GB), but Other still have 10GB,
iTunes show error message that usage is exceed 10+10GB (on 16GB IPad).

I can add music by iFunbox - after that i see mp3 in Itunes\Ipad\Music section, but in Ipad music list is empty:(

Have you got any idea how to fix it?

The way to fix this is to restore and setup as a new phone. It will update u to 5.1. But this is ur only choice

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