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iPad & LCD TV - How to show photo's


iPF Noob
Mar 5, 2010
Reaction score
Washington State, USA
I'm using my iPad with the "IPAD DOCK-ZML (MC360ZM/A)" plugged into the USB port on my Samsung LCD TV. The TV sees the iPad and says so on the screen. However, no photos appear when I run a slide show, or tap individual images? Any ideas?

Don't know why I want to do this? I have a Playstation 3 and transmit images and music to the TV by WiFi. Guess I'm just tinkering :) -Thanks for your help - IM

By the way, my TV is a 53" Samsung 650 model. It's spectacular, and all my guests are amazed by the picture quality compared to others TV's they have seen. I'm sold on Samsung . . .
If I'm not mistaken I think you'll have to hook your iPad up to your TV using the *optional* VGA adapter if your LCD TV has a VGA in port.

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