The Herald-News has a great story today all about how using iPad apps is helping a young boy with autism to communicate. Jayden McCallum (pictured with his speech pathologist Lorrie Banks) is currently seven years old, and was diagnosed with autism when he was two. The report explains how Jayden and his fellow pupils in the STARS Autism program have been using an iPad app called Proloquo2Go to help him communicate. Previously Jayden was using a device called GoTalk, but according to the article it was not easy to add words to the device, which was also quite heavy to carry around and not particularly portable for a child. The iPad is of course much more portable, and the software much easier to programme and add to. The report says that before Jayden started using the iPad, he was only able to say one or two words at a time, and he found it difficult to pronounce words, now, since using Proloquo2Go, Jayden is able to say five and six words at a time. Since the advent of the iPad, many developers are actually coming up with apps specifically to help special needs children, with programmes such as Proloquo2Go being a case in point, as well as companies such as TouchAutism, who build mobile device apps for children with autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, intellectual disabilities and other special needs after finding out how useful such apps can be.
Apps for Autism Spectrum Disorders, Down Syndrome and Special Needs - Touch Autism
App Store - Proloquo2Go