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Ipad and router promblem!

Hello, I just bought an Ipad 2 before traveling to Korea and through my travels the Ipad worked fine and connected in every wifi location until I moved into my residence and hooked up a cisco wifi router. My ipad found a connect but continued to drop after every 15 mins or so. My boyfriend has the exact same ipad execpt mine is 3g chip and wifi capable his is just wifi but his has never lost a connection. All of our computers, iphones, itouches, and ipods connect as soon as you enter the house but not my ipad 2. I shipped the ipad back to the states hoping they would find a soulution to the connectivity problem but my friend said as soon as she opend the box and tunred the ipad on it was connected in her house. Anyone herd of this problem? SHe said it is probably my router but why does my boyfriends connect and not mine? What is the best router so that I can get connected no problems? Please help!​
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