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IOS5 icloud contact address book


iPF Noob
Oct 9, 2011
Reaction score
Hi all,
Need to check with anyone here if after my ios5 installation, the icloud contact address book, if i key in my contacts under the icloud contact in my ipad, does it mean that my new iphone4s which i m planning to buy will contain these contacts also?
Do i key the contacts under "All iCloud" folder please? Thks
Unlike GMail, iCloud will let you create and sync folders/groups. No need to worry what group you've save the contact under. Feel free to make any groups you want.

There is also an All Contacts option on the iPad, if you have more than one contact database synced (like GMail and iCloud). Only the iCloud contacts and groups will sync through iCloud.

I'm not sure I answered your question. If not, tell me and I'll give it another try.
I saw i have tow folders in my contact address book, one is" all contac" and the other is "all iCloud". So i keyed into the "allicloud" and it should appear in my iphone4s when i purchase this coming week right?
Thank u.

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