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I keep pressing the home button


iPF Noob
When you hold the ipad side wides who else presses the home button by mestake because its in the way?. I do it all the time when in apps and i think the home button should have been in one of the corners where you dont hold the ipad. Or is it just me?.

Sorry wrong forum. Ment to have put it in General.
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I've often pressed the home button and accidentally dumped out of apps when holding it with the button to my left. Now I turn it so the control is on my right.
When you hold the ipad side wides who else presses the home button by mestake because its in the way?. I do it all the time when in apps and i think the home button should have been in one of the corners where you dont hold the ipad. Or is it just me?.

Sorry wrong forum. Ment to have put it in General.

Guilty here :D
I haven't had a problem with the home button. I'm more a "hit the N when I meant to hit the Space Bar" and "P when I meant Erase" guy. :)
Never hit the home button. My problem I'd when scrolling and I hit something I didn't want to go to.
I hit it all the time when I'm holding it to read a book. Lately I've been turning it upside down. I also hit menus at the bottom of the screen when I swipe down to roll text upwards.
I can't remember which game, but one of my games is especially bad. The controls are just right, every time I get excited I hit the home button no matter which side it's on. 99 percent of the time, I don't have a problem with hitting it. But in that one game, just when the action gets good I hit that bloody button and have to start all over.

Also, Im the worst when messaging about hitting "n" instead of the spacebar, so I'll have a message With 200 characters, that's only three REALLY big words lol. And in aim, I was bad about hitting "send" instead of backspace. With my girlfriend being an English teacher, it makes my screw ups really stand out.
I accidentally bit home a lot when I hold the iPad in landscape with the home button to the right. So I try to remember to have it on the left, try being the operative word.

I also have the "hit N instead of space" issue, but that has improved greatly over the past 5 weeks.
Sometimes I forget which way I'm holding my iPad and I have to "fish" for the home button, or the other off screen controls. I also sometimes forget which way the volume "up" and "down" is depending on the orientation. Lastly, since the volume is on the opposite side than it is on my iPhone, I sometimes look for it on the wrong side. But I find that all minor and I figure that with some more time, new habits will form.

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