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Hypershield TPU Backcover v/s Belkin Snapshield secure Backcover ?


iPF Noob
I am trying to find out, if someone here, has tried both these covers Belkin Snapshield Secure for the New iPad and the Hypershield TPU Back cover for the New iPad.

The Hypershield TPU Backcover is a snug fit, it fits in like a glove and is a Polyurethane material so if someone can give me this information, being a snug fit and a Polyurethane material when you try to put it on the iPad after you have covered some corners to put on the remaining corner it requires a bit of pressure to be completely installed on the iPad. I was wondering in doing so, in this process does it leave any Scratches or Marks on the iPad body? has anybody noticed this while putting it on?

How does Belkin Snapshield secure fair up against the Hypershield TPU Back cover ?

Thanks in Advance !
The Hypershield TPU cover is too soft to damage the iPad with scratches or other permanent marks.

I don't know anything about the other cover.

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