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History Full


iPF Noob
I work in a school district with a one-to-one iPad program in its first year with iPad 2s. We randomly check student histories, pictures, etc. as a safeguard to keep the iPads 'school appropriate'.

I had a student tell me that a message popped up on the screen that said 'History Full' and when the student clicked 'OK', the entire Safari and Google search histories were deleted.

I have not had this happen on my iPad, nor have I heard of this happening. I have searched for information regarding this message and can't find anywhere that says it exists.

Is this student pulling my leg or is this a real message/issue?!

Thanks for any input!!
I've certainly never heard of this problem before - I think they're pulling your leg.

Don't you have a proxy server at school that could limit the sites that students are allowed to visit?

Thanks for your response. We do have a proxy server that limits the sites at school. Students do take them home, and as much as we state that it is the parents' responsibility at home, we are doing spot checks to insure that the devices are not being used inappropriately. Thanks again!1
OK - I get the picture!!

As I mentioned, I've not heard of this before. Some parents have 'seeded' the history file with a visit to a specific site before releasing the iPad to their children and then, when it's returned, they look to see if that specific site is still in the History file, since it's only possible to completely delete the History file. So, without that seed, a child might visit inappropriate sites, then delete the history file, then visit a whole load of appropriate sites to 'cover their tracks'.


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