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Hidden Lockscreen Info & Respring With TapClockInfo For iPhone, iPod Touch, & iPad


Super Moderator
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAib_7DPbA0]YouTube - ‪Hidden Lockscreen Info & Respring With TapClockInfo For iPhone, iPod Touch, & iPad - iOS Vlog 471‬‏[/ame]​

TapClockInfo will tell you your IP Address, Memory Usage, & Allow you to Respring right from your Lockscreen. You can tap your Lockscreen clock up to 3 times to change the Date info to something else. First your IP, then your Memory Usage, and finally an option, when tap & holding the clock, will respring your iDevice. Great feature to add and remember later at a time of need, go grab it, it's free!

Developer Repo:
The respring portion isn't. I had issues yesterday with my ipad contantly restarting anytime I tried to open an app and luckily I had SBSettings installed and I was able to respring that way. It could be very handy.

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