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Hi from Danville, CA`

Hello all,

Just bought my new 3G 64GB and I have to say I'm impressed. I've been using Tablet PCs for a while (I have a Motion LE1700), had an iPhone, love it, and went for the iPad this time. I do not regret it, although I do have some issues with it. I'll post a review soon.

Can't wait to j/b it and see what can be done with it. I think I should save some key info or something before upgrading for 4.0 or else I might not be able to?

This forum looks very good and organized, can't wait to read some more.


R. Hurst.
Welcome R. Hurst from a fellow East Bay resident! :) I have been planning to get the 3G 64GB also but haven't been able too yet. I will be interested to read your review.

This is a great forum. Enjoy!

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