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HELP ipad1-4.2.1i want an unteth/jbreak ugradeOS first?


iPF Noob
is there a simple way presently to jailbreak without blobs untethered on redsn0w (ipad1 / os 4.2.1)

someone told me to upgrade to to 4.3.3 first then jailbreak with redsn0w.
can someone explain why the 4.3.3 upgrade first?

(do i need blobs? as someone mentioned in another thread that blobs for 4.3.3 may be a problem now)
is this the only way still? or is there another

below is the response someone originally gave me some time ago when i first posted about wanting to j break my ipad. cheers in advance)

'Also, I would strongly recommend upgrading to 4.3.3 now unless you have a very good reason not to.
4.3.3 is stable and the vast majority of JB tweaks are compatible. I believe that if you stay on 4.2.1 now you are just storing up a more difficult upgrade for the future...
Your choice, but going to 4.3.3 then jailbreaking with redsn0w would be my advice.
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If you did not save blobs for iOS 4.3.3, then you cannot upgrade your iPad to that firmware version in order to jailbreak it.

As you have an iPad1, you can still jailbreak it, but it will have to be a tethered jail break using the redsn0w jailbreak process outlined in this thread: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...tutorial-jailbreak-ipad1-redsn0w-windows.html

Unfortunately, you've missed the window for untethered on 4.3.3. Sorry.

I believe that advice you got was from me. It's a real shame you did not follow it :(

You also have the option of jailbreaking 4.2.1 using greenpois0n, but this is not really recommended either as 4.2.1 is old now and many new apps / tweaks require a newer version of IOS.
Check our jailbreaking methods sticky for details.

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