chevyguy said:Buyer beware on the Sacred Odyssey game. I purchased this game this past week end at the .99 price and had been playing it for a couple of days. Well last night I go to play and it crashes to the main screen, with a pop up saying, "This game may have been obtained illegally." Funny because I bought it and have the app store reciept to prove it. Well now it wants me to purchase the full version again, only now it's the full $6.99 price. This is BS and seems to be the theme with Gameloft and this game, so beware.
addiosamigo said:Just delete it and re-download. You won't be charged anything as you've already purchased it. In iTunes it will say 'install' instead of the price (as you've already purchased it) just click install, go through the motions and it will say 'you have already purchased this item, do you want to re-download?' this won't be until you've pressed yes to 'are you sure you want to purchase?' but you won't be charged anything so don't worry!
Hope this helps
chevyguy said:Trying you tip now, hopefully it'll work? Thank you for the tip.
***Edit*** Re-downloaded, now joy got to play for just a few minutes, then it wants me to buy the full version, again, only now it's full price of $6.99. Thanks for the tip though. This really disgusts me, that a company would do this.
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