Welcome to fatboy's Epic Gold Mine (EGM) Guide for Dragonvale!
Now you are hooked on Dragonvale you'll know just how important the games resources are! Gems, Gold, and Food all play their part. Whilst Gems are very limited and can only be received as gifts from up to 6 of your friends (limited to 3, if you don't own the gifting tree) and up to 5 more to win in the daily colosseum match, gold can be earned by breeding and showing dragons. How much gold you earn is based on the configuration of your islands, habitats, dragons, and boosts. Since food can be purchased with gold, learning how to maximise your gold production is all important! Doubly so if you want to achieve those elusive gold shrines for each element!
The EGM, or Epic Gold Mine, is a series of strategies you can apply for obtaining the maximum gold production in your game. The various strategies can be selected and mixed depending on how you play the game. The main deciding factor for the strategy to choose is normally the frequency with which you can get back to the game and sweep your islands. The highest producing strategies tend to only be the most efficient if you can return to the game often to empty your habitats of gold. Otherwise the will max out and the remaining time until you sweep out the gold is simply wasted... so choose carefully!
Panlong Prospecting Co. Ltd.
The highest producing mines in Dragonvale come courtesy of the Panlong Prospecting Company. Each mine consists of 3 Panlong dragons deployed in a large Earth habitat with both Fire and Water boosts on the island. This configuration gives the maximum gold output, but at the expense of both time, to breed the dragons, and the very low sweep time required to keep the mines productive (more on this later).
At Level 10, each Panlong will generate 193 coins per minute (cpm), giving 579cpm for 3 dragons in a habitat. Fire (+20%) and Water (+20%) boosts take this total to 834cpm per habitat. At Level 15, the mine output rises to an incredible 1233cpm.
The large Earth habitat has a capacity of 75,000 gold meaning the habitat will max out in about 90 minutes at L10, and in 60 minutes at L20. That's incredible output, but it means you'll have to sweep your Panlong Prospecting mines very regularly to keep production efficient!
The outlay for the first mine is 100,000 for the habitat, 500,000 for the boosts, and 1,533,000 gold for the 30,660 treats necessary to feed the dragons up to L10 (assuming you use the big treat foods - see the section on "Feeding the Dragon" for more information on the cost of food!).
That's a grand total of 2,133,000 gold to get your first Panlong Prospecting mine up and running. It will also take you 144 hours (that's 6 days!) to breed and hatch the 3 new dragons, assuming you already have one breeding pair to begin with and you only use a single breeding site for your mine dragons. You can obviously reduce the time to 3 days if you use both breeding sites.
Each subsequent L10 mine will cost 1,633,000 gold and take a further 144 hours to bring up to full capacity.
To create a L15 mine will cost you a grand total of 49,749,000 for the first mine and 49,249,000 for each subsequent one.
Panlong Prospecting Mine Summary
L10 – 49,980 gold per hour, 90 minute sweep time, 2,133,000 gold for first mine, 1,633,000 for each subsequent mine.
L15 – 73,980 gold per hour, 60 minute sweep time, 49,749,000 gold for first mine, 49,249,000 for each subsequent mine.
Panlong Prospecting - Epic Mining Island (EMI)
13 mines with an incredible output of 649,740 gold per hour @ L10, rising to 961,740 @ L15 this EMI is one crazy way to keep the gold rolling in...
Blooming Marvellous Mines PLC
Hot on the heels of Panlong Prospecting, Blooming Marvellous PLC have some very high producing mines too! Each mine consists of 3 Bloom dragons deployed in a large Cold habitat with the triple boosts of Plant, Lightning, and Cold. This configuration gives a high gold output for a good breed time offset against the need to sweep fairly regularly.
At Level 10, each Bloom will generate 76 coins per minute (cpm), giving 228cpm for 3 dragons in a habitat. The triple boost take this total to a much healthier 394cpm per habitat. At Level 15, the mine output rises to 585cpm.
The large Cold habitat has a capacity of 50,000 gold meaning the habitat will max out in about 125 minutes at L10, and in 85 minutes at L20. The lower capacity of the Cold habitat means you still need to visit your Blooming Marvellous Mines pretty darn often, but they are a lot quicker to build than the Panlong variety!
The outlay for the first mine is 100,000 for the habitat, 750,000 for the boosts, and 1,533,000 gold for the 30,660 treats necessary to feed the dragons.
That's a grand total of 2,383,000 gold to get your first Blooming Marvellous mine up and running. It will also take you 52 hours to breed and hatch the 3 new dragons, assuming you already have one breeding pair to begin with and you only use a single breeding site for your mine dragons.
Each subsequent L10 mine will cost 1,633,000 gold and take a further 52 hours to bring up to full capacity.
To create a L15 mine will cost you a grand total of 49,999,000 for the first mine and 49,249,000 for each subsequent one.
Blooming Marvellous Mine Summary
L10 – 23,640 gold per hour, 125 minute sweep time, 2,383,000 gold for first mine, 1,633,000 for each subsequent mine.
L15 – 35,100 gold per hour, 85 minute sweep time, 49,999,000 gold for first mine, 49,249,000 for each subsequent mine.
Blooming Marvellous - Epic Mining Island (EMI)
13 mines with an output of 307,320 gold per hour @ L10, rising to 456,300 @ L15 this EMI is a great earner but requires constant attention to stay viable...
Magnetic Metallurgy Mining Consortium
The choice for the discerning miner who prefers to oversee their operations only occasionally, the Magnetic Metallurgy Mining Consortium sacrifices raw gold production speed for better stock capacity and workforce breeding efficiency.
Each mine consists of 4 Magnetic dragons deployed in a large Metal habitat with the Metal and Lightning boosts. This configuration gives a high gold output for a good breed time offset against the need to sweep fairly regularly.
At Level 10, each Magnetic dragon will generate 32 coins per minute (cpm), giving 128cpm for 4 dragons in a habitat. The double boost take this total to a much healthier 184cpm per habitat. At Level 15, the mine output rises to 272cpm.
The large Metal habitat has a capacity of 125,000 gold meaning the habitat will take 680 minutes (11 hours 20 minutes) at L10, and in 460 minutes (7 hours 40 minutes) at L15. The high capacity of the Metal habitat and efficient Metallic dragons mean you only need to drop by a 2 or 3 times a day to keep keep your gold production efficient.
The outlay for the first mine is 100,000 for the habitat, 500,000 for the boosts, and 2,044,000 gold for the 40,880 treats necessary to feed the dragons.
That's a grand total of 2,644,000 gold to get your first Magnetic Metallurgy mine up and running. It will also take you 20 hours to breed and hatch the 4 new dragons, assuming you already have one breeding pair to begin with and you only use a single breeding site for your mine dragons.
Each subsequent L10 mine will cost 2,244,000 gold and take a further 20 hours to bring up to full capacity.
To create a L15 mine will cost you a grand total of 66,132,000 for the first mine and 65,632,000 for each subsequent one.
Magnetic Metallurgy Mine Summary
L10 – 11,040 gold per hour, 680 minute sweep time, 2,644,000 gold for first mine, 2,244,000 for each subsequent mine.
L15 – 16,320 gold per hour, 460 minute sweep time, 66,132,000 gold for first mine, 65,632,000 for each subsequent mine.
Magnetic Metallurgy - Epic Mining Island (EMI)
***** COMING SOON *****
Rare Breed Reclamation
If mining just feels like too much hard work, the Rare Breed Reclamation offers high output single dragon solutions!
Rainbow Reclamation
Each Rainbow (or New Year) dragon in its own habitat can produce gold @ 400cpm with a capacity of 1,000,000. That equates to:
L10 - 24,000 gold per hour, 41 hour sweep time, at a fixed cost of 661,000 for every mine.
Sun & Moon Reclamation
Each Sun or Moon dragon in its own habitat can produce gold @ 260cpm with a capacity of 750,000. That equates to:
L10 - 15,600 gold per hour, 48 hour sweep time, at a fixed cost of 611,000 for every mine.
Feeding the Dragon
Mining is hungry work, but fortunately all dragons enjoy food in equal measure, so this section of the guide is applicable to all mining operations!
Beanstalks, Squash, and Peppers all have the same cost per unit, set at 50 gold. - That's expensive food, but it comes with the convenience of growing quickly and in bulk.
10,220 treats are required to get a dragon to L10.
That equates to 511,000 gold spent if you grow the big foods to feed your dragons!
If you can commit more time to tending to your food harvest, you can bring down the cost as follows:
Dragon Fruit - 255,500 gold
Pumpermelons - 191,625 gold
Blushrooms - 170,265 gold
I don't usually harvest any of the other treats as the time to tend to your crops and harvest enough treats to maximise 3 dragons outweighs their saving in gold up to L10.
327,660 treats are required to get a dragon to L15. That's some serious food! At these levels you have to stick to the big crops (Beanstalks, Squash, and Peppers) 'cos there just aren't enough treat farms and time to grow that much food in the time available!
Those treats equate to 16,383,000 gold. Those level 15 birds sure do cost a lot of dough!
Taking a dragon above L15 to L20 for mining purposes is cost prohibitive IMHO, but the numbers, if you are interested, are 10,485,740 treats costing 524,287,000 gold. Yeah, that's half a billion per dragon! WOW!
I hope you enjoyed the guide There are a lot of numbers in this post. I have checked them as best I can, but I'm sure I've made a mistake or two! Please be kind when you point them out and I'll get them updated accordingly.
If you have any mine strategies of your own, please post them. We'd love to see them!
Hopefully, with all the gold you mine, you'll eventually complete your shrine grind and end up with lots of golden goodness...
Happy Mining Dragonvalers!
Now you are hooked on Dragonvale you'll know just how important the games resources are! Gems, Gold, and Food all play their part. Whilst Gems are very limited and can only be received as gifts from up to 6 of your friends (limited to 3, if you don't own the gifting tree) and up to 5 more to win in the daily colosseum match, gold can be earned by breeding and showing dragons. How much gold you earn is based on the configuration of your islands, habitats, dragons, and boosts. Since food can be purchased with gold, learning how to maximise your gold production is all important! Doubly so if you want to achieve those elusive gold shrines for each element!
The EGM, or Epic Gold Mine, is a series of strategies you can apply for obtaining the maximum gold production in your game. The various strategies can be selected and mixed depending on how you play the game. The main deciding factor for the strategy to choose is normally the frequency with which you can get back to the game and sweep your islands. The highest producing strategies tend to only be the most efficient if you can return to the game often to empty your habitats of gold. Otherwise the will max out and the remaining time until you sweep out the gold is simply wasted... so choose carefully!
Panlong Prospecting Co. Ltd.
The highest producing mines in Dragonvale come courtesy of the Panlong Prospecting Company. Each mine consists of 3 Panlong dragons deployed in a large Earth habitat with both Fire and Water boosts on the island. This configuration gives the maximum gold output, but at the expense of both time, to breed the dragons, and the very low sweep time required to keep the mines productive (more on this later).
At Level 10, each Panlong will generate 193 coins per minute (cpm), giving 579cpm for 3 dragons in a habitat. Fire (+20%) and Water (+20%) boosts take this total to 834cpm per habitat. At Level 15, the mine output rises to an incredible 1233cpm.
The large Earth habitat has a capacity of 75,000 gold meaning the habitat will max out in about 90 minutes at L10, and in 60 minutes at L20. That's incredible output, but it means you'll have to sweep your Panlong Prospecting mines very regularly to keep production efficient!
The outlay for the first mine is 100,000 for the habitat, 500,000 for the boosts, and 1,533,000 gold for the 30,660 treats necessary to feed the dragons up to L10 (assuming you use the big treat foods - see the section on "Feeding the Dragon" for more information on the cost of food!).
That's a grand total of 2,133,000 gold to get your first Panlong Prospecting mine up and running. It will also take you 144 hours (that's 6 days!) to breed and hatch the 3 new dragons, assuming you already have one breeding pair to begin with and you only use a single breeding site for your mine dragons. You can obviously reduce the time to 3 days if you use both breeding sites.
Each subsequent L10 mine will cost 1,633,000 gold and take a further 144 hours to bring up to full capacity.
To create a L15 mine will cost you a grand total of 49,749,000 for the first mine and 49,249,000 for each subsequent one.
Panlong Prospecting Mine Summary
L10 – 49,980 gold per hour, 90 minute sweep time, 2,133,000 gold for first mine, 1,633,000 for each subsequent mine.
L15 – 73,980 gold per hour, 60 minute sweep time, 49,749,000 gold for first mine, 49,249,000 for each subsequent mine.
Panlong Prospecting - Epic Mining Island (EMI)
13 mines with an incredible output of 649,740 gold per hour @ L10, rising to 961,740 @ L15 this EMI is one crazy way to keep the gold rolling in...
Blooming Marvellous Mines PLC
Hot on the heels of Panlong Prospecting, Blooming Marvellous PLC have some very high producing mines too! Each mine consists of 3 Bloom dragons deployed in a large Cold habitat with the triple boosts of Plant, Lightning, and Cold. This configuration gives a high gold output for a good breed time offset against the need to sweep fairly regularly.
At Level 10, each Bloom will generate 76 coins per minute (cpm), giving 228cpm for 3 dragons in a habitat. The triple boost take this total to a much healthier 394cpm per habitat. At Level 15, the mine output rises to 585cpm.
The large Cold habitat has a capacity of 50,000 gold meaning the habitat will max out in about 125 minutes at L10, and in 85 minutes at L20. The lower capacity of the Cold habitat means you still need to visit your Blooming Marvellous Mines pretty darn often, but they are a lot quicker to build than the Panlong variety!
The outlay for the first mine is 100,000 for the habitat, 750,000 for the boosts, and 1,533,000 gold for the 30,660 treats necessary to feed the dragons.
That's a grand total of 2,383,000 gold to get your first Blooming Marvellous mine up and running. It will also take you 52 hours to breed and hatch the 3 new dragons, assuming you already have one breeding pair to begin with and you only use a single breeding site for your mine dragons.
Each subsequent L10 mine will cost 1,633,000 gold and take a further 52 hours to bring up to full capacity.
To create a L15 mine will cost you a grand total of 49,999,000 for the first mine and 49,249,000 for each subsequent one.
Blooming Marvellous Mine Summary
L10 – 23,640 gold per hour, 125 minute sweep time, 2,383,000 gold for first mine, 1,633,000 for each subsequent mine.
L15 – 35,100 gold per hour, 85 minute sweep time, 49,999,000 gold for first mine, 49,249,000 for each subsequent mine.
Blooming Marvellous - Epic Mining Island (EMI)
13 mines with an output of 307,320 gold per hour @ L10, rising to 456,300 @ L15 this EMI is a great earner but requires constant attention to stay viable...
Magnetic Metallurgy Mining Consortium
The choice for the discerning miner who prefers to oversee their operations only occasionally, the Magnetic Metallurgy Mining Consortium sacrifices raw gold production speed for better stock capacity and workforce breeding efficiency.
Each mine consists of 4 Magnetic dragons deployed in a large Metal habitat with the Metal and Lightning boosts. This configuration gives a high gold output for a good breed time offset against the need to sweep fairly regularly.
At Level 10, each Magnetic dragon will generate 32 coins per minute (cpm), giving 128cpm for 4 dragons in a habitat. The double boost take this total to a much healthier 184cpm per habitat. At Level 15, the mine output rises to 272cpm.
The large Metal habitat has a capacity of 125,000 gold meaning the habitat will take 680 minutes (11 hours 20 minutes) at L10, and in 460 minutes (7 hours 40 minutes) at L15. The high capacity of the Metal habitat and efficient Metallic dragons mean you only need to drop by a 2 or 3 times a day to keep keep your gold production efficient.
The outlay for the first mine is 100,000 for the habitat, 500,000 for the boosts, and 2,044,000 gold for the 40,880 treats necessary to feed the dragons.
That's a grand total of 2,644,000 gold to get your first Magnetic Metallurgy mine up and running. It will also take you 20 hours to breed and hatch the 4 new dragons, assuming you already have one breeding pair to begin with and you only use a single breeding site for your mine dragons.
Each subsequent L10 mine will cost 2,244,000 gold and take a further 20 hours to bring up to full capacity.
To create a L15 mine will cost you a grand total of 66,132,000 for the first mine and 65,632,000 for each subsequent one.
Magnetic Metallurgy Mine Summary
L10 – 11,040 gold per hour, 680 minute sweep time, 2,644,000 gold for first mine, 2,244,000 for each subsequent mine.
L15 – 16,320 gold per hour, 460 minute sweep time, 66,132,000 gold for first mine, 65,632,000 for each subsequent mine.
Magnetic Metallurgy - Epic Mining Island (EMI)
***** COMING SOON *****
Rare Breed Reclamation
If mining just feels like too much hard work, the Rare Breed Reclamation offers high output single dragon solutions!
Rainbow Reclamation
Each Rainbow (or New Year) dragon in its own habitat can produce gold @ 400cpm with a capacity of 1,000,000. That equates to:
L10 - 24,000 gold per hour, 41 hour sweep time, at a fixed cost of 661,000 for every mine.
Sun & Moon Reclamation
Each Sun or Moon dragon in its own habitat can produce gold @ 260cpm with a capacity of 750,000. That equates to:
L10 - 15,600 gold per hour, 48 hour sweep time, at a fixed cost of 611,000 for every mine.
Feeding the Dragon
Mining is hungry work, but fortunately all dragons enjoy food in equal measure, so this section of the guide is applicable to all mining operations!
Beanstalks, Squash, and Peppers all have the same cost per unit, set at 50 gold. - That's expensive food, but it comes with the convenience of growing quickly and in bulk.
10,220 treats are required to get a dragon to L10.
That equates to 511,000 gold spent if you grow the big foods to feed your dragons!
If you can commit more time to tending to your food harvest, you can bring down the cost as follows:
Dragon Fruit - 255,500 gold
Pumpermelons - 191,625 gold
Blushrooms - 170,265 gold
I don't usually harvest any of the other treats as the time to tend to your crops and harvest enough treats to maximise 3 dragons outweighs their saving in gold up to L10.
327,660 treats are required to get a dragon to L15. That's some serious food! At these levels you have to stick to the big crops (Beanstalks, Squash, and Peppers) 'cos there just aren't enough treat farms and time to grow that much food in the time available!
Those treats equate to 16,383,000 gold. Those level 15 birds sure do cost a lot of dough!
Taking a dragon above L15 to L20 for mining purposes is cost prohibitive IMHO, but the numbers, if you are interested, are 10,485,740 treats costing 524,287,000 gold. Yeah, that's half a billion per dragon! WOW!
I hope you enjoyed the guide There are a lot of numbers in this post. I have checked them as best I can, but I'm sure I've made a mistake or two! Please be kind when you point them out and I'll get them updated accordingly.
If you have any mine strategies of your own, please post them. We'd love to see them!
Hopefully, with all the gold you mine, you'll eventually complete your shrine grind and end up with lots of golden goodness...
Happy Mining Dragonvalers!
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