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Dragonvale Speed Breeding Competition - Round 2 - Easter Dragon

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iPad Fan
Jan 27, 2012
Reaction score
Brisbane, Qld, Australia
*****thread closed for inactivity ******

This is the second round of this Comp. It is about who can be the first to breed an Easter Dragon. The rules are:
  • We are open for entries now. Entries close as soon as the new update has been released.
  • Competitors will be attempting to breed an Easter Dragon, which may be released in the coming days.
  • Competitors will post a screen grab of their screen showing the time remaining to be ... well what is necessary for the Easter Dragon. This is yet to be confirmed. This must be a screen shot of breeding time NOT hatching time.
View attachment 10096
  • The adjudicator (me) will visit the islands of the fastest poster(s) to verify the coin/gem/food count as in the picture and that eligible parents have created the selected dragon breed. This doesn't seem to be as important, as it's a brand new dragon, and we will all know when someone gets one.
  • The first person to post the correct picture in this thread and be verified by the adjudicator will be awarded first place.
  • If we have enough competitors to allow for second places and beyond, these will be judged in the same way, and awarded to those who finished in the next successive fastest time(s).
What's at stake?
  • Competitors agree to "wager" one of their free gifts to enter the competition.
  • Competitors agree to send their free gift as instructed by the adjudicator.
  • Up to 6 entrants will be a winner take all.
  • 7 to 12 entrants will be a 70/30 split, rounded to the nearest gem.
  • 13 to 18 entrants will be a 50/30/20 split rounded to the nearest gem.
  • 19+ entrants will be 40/30/20/10 split rounded to the nearest gem.
  • The final prize pool will be posted in this post prior to the start of the competition.
How do you enter?
  • The competition is open to everyone who agrees to abide by the rules.
  • Entry is open from now till we have official word the Easter Dragon is available to be bred.
  • To compete simply post a Dragonvale Screen grab, similar to the one above, in this thread.
  • All competitors names will be added to a list at the bottom of this post.
Obviously you need to have a breeding cave available, so time your breeding accordingly

Competitors - 22
Coxy 26
angel2all/Servent 16:9

Winners - Prize Pool - Who's giving who gems - Sent
1st place - ShirlyWA/PixieWA - 9 gems
- Fletch_smf
- Flattsfanatic71
- GT500Girl
- tristan97tjf
- Segbert/mybuster2go
- Cox780770/dragonville
- Coxy 26
- .TommyB.
- BMO321

2nd place - aalleexxrocks - 7 gems
- Howard_Wolowitz
- SnuggleTM
- vampi64
- tonygtech/troutfisher10
- WraithSA
- Haazarrd13
- gypsy_purple

3rd place - tonygtech/troutfisher10 - 4 gems
- cherubmama
- aalleexxrocks
- rennieonline
- angel2213

4th place - Cox780770/dragonville10 - 2 gems
- angel2all/Servent 16:9
- ShirlyWA/PixieWA
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Count me in! I would love to participate after seeing how much fun you guys had last time! And here is my practice screen grab.

Yo Dawg ... I be down with wagering a ruby in the quest for the Bunny Dragon, count me in lol:)
Yo Dawg ... I be down with wagering a ruby in the quest for the Bunny Dragon.

Same rules apply to me as last time. :thumbs: If I win my gems go to the next person. :)

I wonder if they are right over at the wilki forum. They believe we won't get a easter dragon because it's not a world holiday but I don't know about that. I have still been reading the clover thread and that is where they are posting about it. What are your thoughts on it Fletch?
Yo Dawg ... I heard that you like me to be down with wagering a ruby in the quest for the Bunny Dragon so I wagered a ruby in the quest for the Bunny Dragon while I wagered a ruby in the quest for the Bunny Dragon so that you could like me being down with wagering a ruby in the quest for the Bunny Dragon while you liked me being down with wagering a ruby in the quest for the Bunny Dragon!

Awww, yeah.
TommyB said:
Yo Dawg ... I heard that you like me to be down with wagering a ruby in the quest for the Bunny Dragon so I wagered a ruby in the quest for the Bunny Dragon while I wagered a ruby in the quest for the Bunny Dragon so that you could like me being down with wagering a ruby in the quest for the Bunny Dragon while you liked me being down with wagering a ruby in the quest for the Bunny Dragon!

Awww, yeah.

You been on that grape juice again tommy lmao x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
Cox780770 said:
You been on that grape juice again tommy lmao x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26


GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)
Yo Dawg ... I be down with wagering a ruby in the quest for the Bunny Dragon.

Same rules apply to me as last time. :thumbs: If I win my gems go to the next person. :)

I wonder if they are right over at the wilki forum. They believe we won't get a easter dragon because it's not a world holiday but I don't know about that. I have still been reading the clover thread and that is where they are posting about it. What are your thoughts on it Fletch?

My thoughts are that Halloween is about as American-centric as you can get (apart from Independence Day, I guess) and they made a bone dragon. They also made a Christmas Dragon, so I would say an Easter one is on the cards.

If not, we can just carry this comp over to what ever the next new dragon is.
tristan97tfj said:

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)

Haha me too that's the only thing that's rubbish about the app x x x

vicky x. GCID dragonville10 my sons GCID coxy 26
My thoughts are that Halloween is about as American-centric as you can get (apart from Independence Day, I guess) and they made a bone dragon. They also made a Christmas Dragon, so I would say an Easter one is on the cards.

If not, we can just carry this comp over to what ever the next new dragon is.

I was thinking the same thing but I knw some of the other countries have been adopting like Halloween and a lot do Christmas....I guess we'll see though....I would think we would get one too and were going to be due for a update so it makes sense.

Yep...that will work. :thumbs:
Yo Dawg ... I be down with wagering a ruby in the quest for the Bunny Dragon.

So sign me up please! Thanks :)
So everyone, would it be okay if my son and wife played in this comp? Even if it might be me playing their account some of the time?
Fletch_smf said:
So everyone, would it be okay if my son and wife played in this comp? Even if it might be me playing their account some of the time?

Yep, should be fine i think, any extra gems would be good :)

GCID tristan97tfj :) 8)(without the smileys)
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