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Do I buy In USA or Ireland for use in both countries


iPF Noob
Dec 11, 2011
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Don't know what to do with this and appreciate your help. I want to buy an IPAD2. I live 6 months a year in US and 6 months in Ireland. Will also be traveling in Europe and need the email and skype connections there as well.

My carrier in the US for my Iphone 4S is Verizon. I place the account on suspend in US while gone to avoid excessive roaming/data charges. I cannot get the Iphone unlocked in Ireland as they said 'jailbreak' is not available.

If I buy IPAD2 in US, i assume it needs to be connected to a network? (Sorry for the ignorant question) If i buy in Ireland, the same thing? If I could get pay as you go rather than a contract in Ireland, it would be best.

Will I have to buy 1 for each country?

Any advice is very much appreciated. Thank you.
Oops, I posted in the wrong thread. Will delete and move. Sorry!
As long as you buy a GSM iPad without a carrier subsidy, you'll be able to buy one iPad and use it in both places without a contract. In each country, you can buy data separately. In the U.S., the GSM iPad is the AT&T model.

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