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DIY ipad stylus in 3 minutes


iPF Noob
:)Have always used stylus for Iphone 4. Own many brands of stylii for iphone; all 4 inch; all too short for ipad; all loseable and costly to buy over and over; all eventually break when tip separates from rod.

In 6 months owning it, ever used stylus for ipad. Noticed after months of game play (particularly the ones using swiping), my index finger was sore. About to order from Stylus-r-us and noticed owner stresses need for longer length than 4-6 inch for ipad. Couldn't bear to spend 25.00 on something I know I will break or lose. Once made a stylus with golf pencil and foil for iphone (several in fact and didn't mind losing them). Gave this a shot and love it:
1. Take new pencil. I used one already sharpened 'cause didn't have a new one. Either way will work.
2. Cut small rectangle of aluminum foil.
3. Roll pencil tightly in one layer aluminum foil.
5. Take regular kitchen sponge...any sponge and cut little hunk big enough to cover pencil point end.
6. Wet little piece of sponge; squeeze almost dry; encircle pencil point tip by holding pencil perpendicular to little piece of sponge. Once you are sure tip is covered, smooth upper edges of sponge.
7. Holding onto top edge of sponge, lay pencil on its side and wrap once more in second piece aluminus foil, this time catching upper ends of sponge in foil. Leave sponge tip.
8. Fold over eraser end and apply masking or scotch tape so pencil cannot slide out of roll.
9. Wrap piece of tape around point end where aluminum meets sponge.

Did this last night and slightly dampened sponge end this morning again.

This stylus is remarkably accurate; remarkably easy; requires no pressure; will not scratch screen; costs pennies; and is loosable. Just make another.

Stop laughing and give it a try....really.
... 3. Roll pencil tightly in one layer aluminum foil.
5. Take regular kitchen sponge...any sponge and cut little hunk big enough to cover pencil point end.
6. Wet little piece of sponge; squeeze almost dry; encircle pencil point tip by holding pencil perpendicular to little piece of sponge. Once you are sure tip is covered, smooth upper edges of sponge. ...

It's time to be creative! Love the idea.

Next time you manufacture the iPad stylus, why not shoot a few pictures, easier to see "the process" :-)

/ Omar
Pics please?

Also, a good alternative to kitchen sponge would be conductive foam, often used for protection against static electricity when shipping chips with little prongs.

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